The original wiring loom is made using standard colour codes so when there is a fault a wiring diagram can be used to trace the fault. If home made wiring is used the only person that knows which wire connects to what is the person that did it. If the van was converted to a camper... Automotive Museums Automotive Photography Car Fonts / Logos / Skins / Icons VW Icon (ico) VW Audi Logos (pdf) VW Audi 300DPI Logos (jpg-zip) Audi Logo 300DPI Colour (jpg-zip) VW Logo 300DPI Colour (jpg-zip...
while for 2016 there are three driver choices with the former pair plus Mikkelsen. As with the original release of the 2013 car, a slight niggle is with the quality of the instructions. They provide plenty of information including Tamiya paint codes throughout, but the CAD file images used ...