Note:The following instructions for “Factory Reset” and “Access the Updater Menu” apply to the new VVX 250, 350, and 450 hardware models. You can identify the new models by reviewing the information in the new Shipping Configuration Engineering Advisory:Product Shipping Configuration Change for...
按照以下步骤恢复Polycom VVX设备的恢复出厂设置,以恢复出厂默认设置。 必须在为3CX配置Polycom VVX电话之前完成此操作,以防设备具有先前配置的剩余设置。 出厂重置您的Polycom VVX话机 关闭设备。 在“加载应用程序”屏幕上按“取消”。 一旦出现“欢迎”消息,请按住“1”,“3”,“5”。 仅在看到“输入密码”消息...
I cannot factory reset the device. Tags: VVX 250 View All (1) 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION SteffenBaierUK 25,753 1,475 2,099 3,568 Level 14 09-07-2023 01:07 PM Hello @PolycomVictim , ObiEdition Factory reset for VVX 250, 350, and 450 for the new Hardware Power off Press ...
The Intercom feature enables you to place a call to a contact that is answered automatically on the contact's phone as long as the contact is not on an active call. If the contact is in an active call, the contact can choose to answer the intercom call, or the intercom call is answer...
Note:The following instructions for “Factory Reset” and “Access the Updater Menu” apply to the new VVX 250, 350, and 450 hardware models. You can identify the new models by reviewing the information in the new Shipping Configuration Engineering Advisory:Product Shipping Configuration...
Note:The following instructions for “Factory Reset” and “Access the Updater Menu” apply to the new VVX 250, 350, and 450 hardware models. You can identify the new models by reviewing the information in the new Shipping Configuration Engineering Advisory:Product Shipping Configuration Change for...
Note:The following instructions for “Factory Reset” and “Access the Updater Menu” apply to the new VVX 250, 350, and 450 hardware models. You can identify the new models by reviewing the information in the new Shipping Configuration Engineering Advisory:Product Shipping Configu...
Note:The following instructions for “Factory Reset” and “Access the Updater Menu” apply to the new VVX 250, 350, and 450 hardware models. You can identify the new models by reviewing the information in the new Shipping Configuration Engineering Advisory:Product Shipping Configuration Chang...
No matter how many times I do a factory reset I still see remnants of programming leftover in the WUI, for example the Zoom provisioning URL has never been removed with these factory resets but when I forced it with another Auto provisioning URL I got it returned to factory pr...
I've read how to factory reset a VVX250 phone but I have one that can't seem to be factory reset. The password is unknown and step 5 where you can press cancel never comes up. The start up process goes from: lights on, poly logo screen, black screen no lights on, Weclome "...