田湾核电 7 号机组环吊是 VVER-1200 机型首次国产化,攻破了设备结构复杂、进口配套件拖期等一系列困难问题。 IT之家科普:VVER 即水-水高能反应堆(水冷水控能源反应堆,Water-water energetic reactor),最初为俄罗斯在 1970 年代之前研发的压水反应堆,并且一直在不断更新,功率输出范围从 70 到 1300 MWe,目前正在...
田湾核电 7 号机组环吊是 VVER-1200 机型首次国产化,攻破了设备结构复杂、进口配套件拖期等一系列困难问题。 科普:VVER 即水-水高能反应堆(水冷水控能源反应堆,Water-water energetic reactor),最初为俄罗斯在 1970 年代之前研发的压水反应堆,并且一直在不断更新,功率输出范围从 70 到 1300 MWe,目前正在开发 1...
Possibility of three-stage fuel option is studied to enhance VVER-1200 reactor to use thorium resources for proliferation resistance without modifying the conventional fuel assembly. As stage-1, conventional UO 2 is used as a fuel and Pu isotopes are retrieved from the spent fuel after burning ...
中核集团表示,在核电工程项目建设中,环吊承担着核岛主设备吊装工作,是保障核岛的工程建设进度的重要设备之一。田湾核电 7 号机组环吊是 VVER-1200 机型首次国产化,攻破了设备结构复杂、进口配套件拖期等一系列困难问题。IT之家科普:VVER 即水-水高能反应堆(水冷水控能源反应堆,Water-water energetic reactor)...
田湾核电 7 号机组环吊是 VVER-1200 机型首次国产化,攻破了设备结构复杂、进口配套件拖期等一系列困难问题。 IT之家科普:VVER 即水-水高能反应堆(水冷水控能源反应堆,Water-water energetic reactor),最初为俄罗斯在 1970 年代之前研发的压水反应堆,并且一直在不断更新,功率输出范围从 70 到 1300 MWe,目前正在...
关键词 : VVER-1200 ; 设计优化 ; 性能 ; 安全性中图分类号 : TM623 DOI :: 10. 19768/j. cnki. dgjs. 2021. 12. 016Design Optimization Analysis of WER-1200LI Shi(CNLNPC, Huludao 125100, China)Abstract : Based on the analysis of the design characteristics of WER-1200 reactor, t... ...
解决思路。关键词:WER-1200;功能组;仪控功能图;标准功能图 Abstract:Through the analysis of the hierarchical architecture characteristics of WER-1200reactor l&C function,a standardized design scheme of WER-1200safety related and normal operation system l&C function diagram is put forward based on ...
An unconventional method of measurement was tested in the study of integral processes: the course of the xenon process was recorded as the change in the critical concentration of boric acid in the reactor simultaneously with a calculation of the concentration in real-time. The spatial transient ...
Study on criticality and reactivity coefficients of WER-1200 reactor The numerical validation process is one of the important stages in reactor core design. In the present work, the criticality analysis calculations of VVER-... N Hafez,H Shahbunder,E Amin,... - 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》...
In our application you will be able to: - visit the first nuclear power plant in Turkey “Akkuyu” with Russian technology VVER-1200 of modern generation 3+ (Water-Water Power Reactor), which is currently being built on the Mediterranean coast in the Gulnar region of Mersin province, includin...