QPL: LP-7053A that supercedes V V - L - 800 Conforms to MIL-E-10062 up to 12 months corrosion protection Back-order can take 2 weeks delivery. Call 1-866-577-2326 5 Gallons Price:245.95 Nox Rust 7800 Lubricating Mil Spec VV-L-800 ...
VV-L-800C(2)由/ 发布于 ,并于 0000-00-00 实施。VV-L-800C(2) 油品通用防护剂的最新版本是哪一版?VV-L-800C(2)已经是当前最新版本。标准名称:油品通用防护剂适用范围:- 军事规范 MIL-E-10062 - 发动机,运输和存储前的准备。- 美国劳工部 (DOL) OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 - 润滑油危害通信标准。-...
Meets and supersedes specification VV-L-800 Fed Spec V V-L-800, Mil-PRF-32033 and NATO 9150-00-458-0075 An excellent lubricant for fine components even at very low temperatures QPL: LP-7053A that supercedes V V - L - 800 Conforms to MIL-E-10062 up to 12 months corrosion protectionPr...
VV-L-800C(2) 预览[下载] 发布历史VV-L-800C(2)点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 VV-L-800C(2) 总页数 4页 发布单位 / 购买 正式版 标准名称:油品通用防护剂 标准号:VV-L-800C 修订2(ME) 适用范围: - 军事规范 MIL-E-10062 - 发动机,运输和存储前的准备。<......
500l 600l 800l self loading concrete mixer automatic small diesel cement mixer machine Small mixer, also known as mixing robot or portable mixer, is a kind of mixing equipment used for sand, concrete or other dry materials, semi-fluid materials. It is...
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500l 600l 800l self loading concrete mixer automatic small diesel cement mixer machine Small mixer, also known as mixing robot or portable mixer, is a kind of mixing equipment used for sand, concrete or other dry materials, semi-fluid materials. It is characteriz...
在中活载静力作用下,行车速度≤160km/h的客货共线简支预应力钢筋混凝土桥梁,跨度为32m的梁体竖向挠度限值是多少 梁体竖向挠度,简支钢桁梁边跨挠度限值为L/800() 简支钢桁梁的梁体竖向挠度限值为() v≤161km/h客货共线桥梁,连续钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土梁的中跨挠度限值不应大于跨长的() 对单线简支或连...