1, Free $100 credit, up to free $250 credit for new customers Welcome to the new year 2025. Vultr is giving $100 credit and up to $250 credit to all new customers who sign up for a new account and top up $10 right now.
这是Vultr 2020 年推出的一个限时活动,活动有效期暂时没有说明,同样是打开活动链接注册一个 Vultr 账号即可参与,在充值页面用支付宝充值 10 美元即可获得这个 $100 Free Credit: 三、Vultr 新人老用户通用优惠 上述Vultr 优惠都是针对 Vultr 新用户的,如果你已经有 Vultr 账号了,则可以参与这个 Vultr 新人老用户...
2)获取余额步骤如下 打开上述活动地址即可看到Try Vultr for free with $50 free credit的活动标识,即50美元的免费账户余额。在活动页面输入注册邮箱和密码,点击Create free account即可注册Vultr账号并获得这免费的50美元,如果没注册的就赶紧注册一个账号再过来获取余额~~ 3)新用户在完成注册之后,登录 Vultr 后台,...
Vultr $100 Credits Bonus free credits Expires N/A Sign up using our link and link a valid creditcard or P...More Claim Credits 97.8 % Success Hosting Free Credits VPS Hosting Cloud Hosting 93 Used - 1 Today Share Email $50 Free Credits on Vultr Hosting free credits Expires N...
打开上述活动地址即可看到<Try Vultr for free with $50 free credit>的活动标识,即50美元的免费账户余额。在活动页面输入注册邮箱和密码,点击“Create free account”即可注册Vultr账号并获得这免费的50美元: 如果没注册的就赶紧注册一个账号在过来获取余额~~ ...
We wanted to let you know that we have extended the current Give $100, Get $25 referral promotion. Refer your friends and they will get $100 in trial credit, and you will get $25 when they become a paid customer. To take advantage, simply login to your Vultr account, and send your...
查看账户余额: 在账单页面中,你会看到右上角有一个“Remaining Credit”字段,这个字段显示的就是你的账户余额。例如: markdown Remaining Credit: $100.00 这表示你的账户余额为100美元。 通过以上步骤,你可以轻松地查看你的Vultr账户余额。如果你需要进一步的操作或有其他问题,可以随时联系Vultr的客户支持团队。
打开上述活动地址即可看到Try Vultr for free with $50 free credit的活动标识,即50美元的免费账户余额。在活动页面输入注册邮箱和密码,点击Create free account即可注册Vultr账号并获得这免费的50美元,如果没注册的就赶紧注册一个账号再过来获取余额~~ 3)新用户在完成注册之后,登录 Vultr 后台,之后我们需要充...
信用卡用户先在右侧输入优惠码,点击Apply,原来的50美元就变成了100美元。左侧填写自己的信用卡信息,选择验证信用卡,就无需充值了。把注册协议前面的勾选上,然后点击Link Credit Card验证信用卡就可以了。之后账户就会有100美元了。 支付宝用户获赠50美元的方法 ...
For example, if You have fifty (50) servers with Us, and one (1) of those servers experiences downtime, any credit due to You under this uptime guarantee would be proportional to that one (1) server's downtime and not Your entire account with Us. This uptime guarantee does not apply...