MarketingOnOff Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone: Our parish safeguarding representative is : ...
42 End of Life Care, 2008, Vol 2, No 1 All palliative care patients are defined as vulnerable people. It is the responsibility of healthcare practitioners to be aware of vulnerable adults in their care, whatever the care setting, and to develop and utilise strategies to respond where that ...
This document is the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy for DiNN Enterprise CIC (the organisation) which will be followed by all initiatives of the organisation and, followed and promoted by those in any position within the organisation. The teams are responsible for ensuring that their employees,...
We take very seriously the safety and welfare of those to whom we minister; this includes safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. As part of this concern we have personnel responsible for safeguarding and have adopted the Church of England’s safeguarding policy. You can view a copy of...
SAFEGUARDINGVULNERABLEADULTSWITH LEARNING DISABILITIES WHO COME IN CONTACT WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. The aim of this essay is primarily to identify and discuss the reasons for and factors contributing to the vulnerability ofadultswith learning disabilities who come in contact with the cr...
Regional Adult Protection Forum (2006) Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - Regional Adult Protection Policy and Procedural Guidance, Belfast, DHSSPS.Social Services Directorate (2006) Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults: Regional Adult Protection Policy and Guidance (Northern Ireland), Ballymena: Northern Health...
3249 Words 13 Pages Open Document Safeguarding is a term used within health and social care to define the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Safeguarding incorporates the protection of those most vulnerable from abuse, neglect and potential harm. ...
This article explores some of the issues surrounding safeguarding vulnerable adults, examines some of the related legislation and literature, and outlines the responsibilities of those who care for this patient group. The article describes how one hospital that specialises in caring for people with earl...
Providing quality assurance and specialist support, advice, training and scrutiny of safeguarding arrangements in education, health, social care and leisure settings to ensure that safeguarding children and vulnerable adults are carried out to the highes
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