Our examination also reveals that vulnerability discovery may be influenced by several factors including sharing of codes between successive versions of a software system.doi:10.1007/11535706_21Omar H. AlhazmiYashwant K. MalaiyaIndrajit RaySpringer, Berlin, Heidelberg...
proteomic and single-cell approaches to show meningiomas are composed of three DNA methylation groups with distinct clinical outcomes, biological drivers and therapeutic vulnerabilities. Merlin-intact meningiomas (34%) have the best outcomes and are distinguished byNF2/Merlin regulation of susceptibility to...
Dioubate and Daud [19] applied cybersecurity risk management in Malaysian public universities. The qualitative research method is applied to collect data by interviewing experts in cybersecurity risk management. The results show the factors that lead to risks and benefits obtained when the stakes are ...
Significance was determined by 1-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc test to the non-targeting control sgRNA (NTC). *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001. Exact P-values are 1.8 × 10-12 (hldD) and 0.019 (ispDF). The dashed lines indicate a NPN fluorescence ratio of 1. C ...
Expression levels of RAN-related genes are shown below. The triple-negative subtype was determined by each sample’s status for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth receptor-2 (Her2). The heatmap below presents the transcription profile of the most ...
The proportion of nonsmokers among SCLC patients ranges from approximately 2% to 2.5%, and a majority of them are female [23,24]. In addition to tobacco exposure, risk factors for SCLC include residential radon, air pollution, occupational carcinogens, and hormonal and dietary factors. Among non...
The light (shNRF2) and heavy (shGFP) samples are mixed, and the IA-alkyne modified peptides are enriched and identified by liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The relative reactivity of cysteine residues in shGFP and shNRF2 samples is measured by quantifying the MS1 ...
Timestampvalues are generated by the node that executes the smart contract. Due to the distributed nature of the Ethereum platform, it is almost impossible to guarantee that the time on every node is correctly synchronized. A node can then manipulate the timestamp value it uses to craft a ...
Areas that are suitable for species now may either be climatically unsuitable or may be under increased human pressure in the future. Therefore, the vulnerability of a protected area needs to be evaluated by considering these two dimensions. Assessing the tempo of change in climate and ...
Importantly, the half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) values for BFA and GCA were around 60-fold and 11-fold lower, respectively, for senescent cells compared to normal cells (Fig.2hand Extended Data Fig.2e). BFA inhibits multiple guanine nucleotide exchange factors, whereas GCA is a spe...