"vulkan encountered unrecoverable error vk_error_device_lost" 指的是 Vulkan 应用程序在运行时遇到了一个无法恢复的错误,即设备丢失(Device Lost)。这通常意味着 Vulkan 应用程序与其图形设备(如 GPU)之间的连接已中断,导致应用程序无法继续使用该设备进行渲染或其他图形操作。 2. 可能导致此错误的原因 图形驱动程...
如果显卡是旧驱动且出现“[logging::init::<lambda_2>::operator ()]: Unhandled C++ exception. vk::Queue::submit: ErrorDeviceLost”的错误代码,则需要更新显卡驱动到最新版本,去显卡官网下载并安装更新,不需要卸载,之后就能正常运行了。 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-05-18 10:55回复 Croden 吧主...
Hi! I suddenly get this error code when firing up Enscape: error code - Vulkan Error: vk::Queue::submit: ErrorDeviceLost at queue submit. Then Sketchup crashes. I'm using the newest version of enscape. Tried downgrading to older version and updated all…
After first try to play InFamous I took "VK_Error: Device Lost" trouble. Details I'm using Vulkan renderer as usual and games looking and working good ordinary (God of War 3, Demon's Souls etc.). But InFamous crashes every time when I try to boot this game. When I change render to...
VK_EXT_device_fault,该扩展有助于找出 GPU 故障的原因。在 VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST 之后调用由 VK_...
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_devic...
On Vulkan, the error is vk::Device::waitForFences: ErrorDeviceLost. On DX it says some type of C++ error. It has made other games unplayable by corrupting my drivers twice and my DirectX install once. Reinstalling those fixed things for the other games. I've tried a bunch of fixes. ...
Besides the known problem that Arc GPUs are not supported by Detroit Become Human, it shows an additional error "Your graphics card encountered a problem with Detroit Become Human (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST)" Translate Labels Intel Arc Graphics Vulkan issue 0 Kudos Reply All forum t...
可能会引发GPU的崩溃(crash),称为TDR(Timeout Detection & Recovery),返回的错误是VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST。 一、Querying for budget(检查内存预算) 为了获得当前系统内存使用情况以及可用的内存预算,使用vmaGetHeapBudgets()这个VMA函数,返回一个VmaBudget结构提,里面包含了一些数值变量(都是以bytes)为单位,描述了Vul...
可能会引发GPU的崩溃(crash),称为TDR(Timeout Detection & Recovery),返回的错误是VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST。 一、Querying for budget(检查内存预算) 为了获得当前系统内存使用情况以及可用的内存预算,使用 vmaGetHeapBudgets()这个VMA函数,返回一个 VmaBudget结构提,里面包含了一些数值变量(都是以bytes)为单位,描述了...