幽灵行动断点vulkan是dx12性能。 进入游戏后选择设置,在设置中找到视频设置,将DX11API切换为Vulkan保存并重启游戏即可,VulkanAPI在游戏中能够大幅度提高帧数,不管是A卡还是N卡用户都非常推荐使用VulkanAPI。 10月前发布 17 没有更多啦~ 幽灵行动:断点 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint热搜排行榜NO.20+ 相关视...
幽灵行动断点vulkan是dx12性能,普通的就是用的dx11。这个是可以设置的,也就是在进入游戏之后选择设置,然后在设置中找到视频设置。其中VulkanAPI在游戏中是可以大幅度提高帧数的,总的来说,无论是A卡还是N卡用户都挺适合使用。 4月前发布 1 没有更多啦~ 幽灵行动:断点 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint热搜...
In Ghost Recon Breakpoint, you are able to invite friends who do not own the game to join you to fight for survival, with the Friend Pass. To be eligible you both need to have: Access to an internet connection.An active PlayStation Plus subscription or ...
### 硬件支持 __详情参照[PC系统需求](https://support.ubisoft.com/en-US/Faqs/000047577/System-requirements-for-Ghost-Recon-Breakpoint-GRB),TomClancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint需求的GPU同样支持VulkanAPI:__ -__AMD__:AMDRadeon R9 280X、AMDRadeon RX 480、AMDRadeon RX 5700 XT、AMDRadeon VII。
- 删除 __GRB.ini__ 视频与图像设置文件(文件路径是C:\Users\...\Documents\My Games\Ghost ReconBreakpoint folder)-在Uplay里验证游戏文件并再尝试一次。__问:使用DirectX 11或Vulkan保存的游戏进度是否通用?___答__:是的,你可以随时切换使用DirectX11或Vulkan启动游戏,不会影响你继续上次的游戏进度。__问...
It's good to see that Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and the Anvil Next 2.0 engine was able to be ported to Vulkan. In the original performance review, I mentioned how this game could have benefited greatly from a new generation API such as DX12. I would have mentioned Vulkan I did not ...
肉松胖胖 可能玩家内存不足导致的,这种情况可以打开任务管理器把没有必要的程序关闭。 驱动版本太低也会出现这种情况,需要升级显卡驱动来解决。 网络不好会导致玩家连接不上服务器,就会出现闪退的问题,建议玩家打开加速工具对游戏进行加速。 9天前发布收起 有用 没有更多啦~ 《幽灵行动:断点》正在热卖 ¥幽灵...
When Ghost Recon Breakpoint released in October of 2019 it only supported the DX11 API. There was no DX12 or other API support. However, we were all pleasantly surprised when it was announced the game would be getting an upgrade. After five months of the game already being out,Title Update...
1,135 Total DLs 1,343 Total views 11,518 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 17 July 202312:44PM Original upload 17 July 202312:44PM Created by Alfa-Lima-90 Uploaded by Caine666 Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod ...
用加速器加速VULK..1打开游戏目录Ghost Recon Breakpoint2找到下面四个文件3.把四个文件单独备份4.把GRB文件夹下的vulkan有关的2个文件改成GRB和GRB_UPP,如果提示重复文件名你就把原