• 修复VK_NV_device_ generated_commands在Turing之前的GPU上使用空索引缓冲区或零绘制计数产生的索引绘制。 官方网页链接:https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver 官方下载链接:https://developer.nvidia.com/downloads/vulkan-beta-55279-windows 产品支持清单: Ada Lovelace GPU 系列 GeForce RTX desktop: Ge...
PLATFORMwindows 10 64-bit HOMEPAGE[web] What is NVIDIA Vulkan 1.4 Graphics Driver? Vulkan 1.4 Developer Beta Driver (for Ampere, Turing, Volta, Pascal and Maxwell GPUs). This driver contains newly released Vulkan features and bug fixes for Vulkan developers. This driver supports Vulkan 1.4.303:...
The driver appeared in Windows Update a few days ago. I see that it is the first Windows driver with a device version string of "OpenCL 2.1 NEO". The driver also supports Vulkan 1.1 and enables all subgroup operations across all stages. Impressive! One question, ...
NVIDIA:https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver AMD:http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/radeon-vulkan-beta.aspx LunarG也同时发布了第一个Vulkan SDK,支持Windows、Linux。 如果你想体验Vulkan,可以试试《塔洛斯的法则》(The Talos Principle),这个科幻类解密游戏已经升级支持Vulkan,可以在Steam...
To use it, grab the latest version of our Radeon Developer Tool Suite and install the latest version of our AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition™ driver (minimum version 23.12.1). Similarly to version 1.0, the tool supports Windows® 10 and 11 and requires a Radeon RX 6000 series (RDNA™...
I took some time to test swapping vsync modes on another computer I had running Windows 10 and an Nvidia GTX 765M, now that you brought nvidia cards to mind. Swapping to and from mailbox seems to work without a hitch, but for some reason cannot simply disable vsync (falls back to "...
Tested versions Reproducable in 4.2.2 stable (c# variant) System information Windows 10 (fully updated), Godot 4.2.2 stable, Forward+/Mobile Issue description When I try to run a scene with only the 2d root node, the game window shows up...
如果看到了上图的界面,一个旋转的小盒子,那么证明显卡是支持vulkan的,如果出现了其他意外情况,那么需要查看一下显卡是否支持vulkan,或者显卡驱动是否更新到了最新的版本。 vulkan支持的显卡可以参考英伟达的官网https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver bin目录中还有一个对开发人员有价值的可执行程序,vulkaninfoSDK.ex...