going to further develop or maintain VuhDo anymore. I haven't been actively playing wow for some years now and lately - as you might have noticed - my efforts (and also interest) in maintaining and developing WoW addons tends to zero, so I'll be gone for good I guess. Thanks to a ...
Start up World of Warcraft, and on your character selection screen, look for the AddOns button in the bottom left corner. Make sure that the following are enabled:VuhDo [‘vu:du:] VuhDo [‘vu:du:] – OptionsNow load into the game and you should see some VuhDo panels on your screen....
developing WoW addons tends to zero, so I'll be gone for good I guess. Thanks to a fine community for the great times and for sharing all the uncounted ideas and suggestions which finally have made VuhDo what I believe is a decent ...
vuhdo官方地址:https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/vuhdo注意!国服目前是WLK版本,你要下载 对应WLK的最新版本 楼主传了一个到论坛:点此下载(WLK v3.164版本) 字符串下载地址 下载前必读:1、为保证兼容性使用默认材质,如何换材质或想用楼主材质请看下面的常见问题2、想用几人团队界面,就下载对应的。都想用...
vuhdo官方地址:https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/vuhdo 注意!国服目前是WLK版本,你要下载对应...
[string"@Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:417:infunction<Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua:387> [string"@Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua"]:670:infunction<Interface/AddOns/VuhDo/VuhDoEventHandler.lua:449> ...
Forums / World of Warcraft (WoW) Forums / UI / Vuhdo add on turn off this bar please Sign in to follow this Followers 11 Vuhdo add on turn off this bar please By Vulturnus, March 28 in UI Reply to this topic Start new topic Vultur...
A relative newcomer in the "addons for healers" department is VuhDo. The addon is significant enough to warrant 2 sticky threads on PlusHeal.com (one discussing the addon itself, and another for the user manual). VuhDo is similar in use to Grid + Clique, and it's gaining quite a ...
Many nice things to play with - you can add a menu for Pets, Vehicles, Focus, different raid roles, etc..! You can build Raid frames manually if you don’t want to use the Panel Wizard: just choose in the ‘Type’ of panel the ‘Group’ type. Click the ‘+’ button on the fir...
going to further develop or maintain VuhDo anymore. I haven't been actively playing wow for some years now and lately - as you might have noticed - my efforts (and also interest) in maintaining and developing WoW addons tends to zero, so I'll be ...