import*astypesfrom'../mutation-types' const actions ={ add({commit}){ commit(types.ADD) } } const mutations={ [types.ADD](state){ state.count++} } 这里的 [types.ADD] 如果换成 const actions ={ add({commit}){ commit('ad') } } const mutations={ ad(state){ state.count++} } 就...
this.$store.dispatch({ type: 'updateUser', username: 'hhhh' }) 实际运行,发现actions.updateUser方法接受到三个参数,第三个是undefined 报错信息:Uncaught Error: [vuex] Expects string as the type, but found undefined. why?森栏 浏览2169回答1 1回答 回首忆惘然 {username} 应该没有括号吧 。{...
The argument type 'String?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String' 2378 0 3 expected a string or a class/function but got: undefined 1075 0 5 老师你好,add1类型是Object、object、Function的时候都可以将sum进行赋值是为什么呢 568 0 4 登录后可查看更多问答,登录/注册Vue2.0高级...
$store.dispatch({ type: 'updateUser', username: 'hhhh' }) 实际运行,发现actions.updateUser方法接受到三个参数,第三个是undefined 报错信息:Uncaught Error: [vuex] Expects string as the type, but found undefined. why?vue.jsvuex 有用关注2收藏1 回复 阅读15k 2 个回答 得票最新 gatinul 2431919 ...
但是执行会报[vuex] Expects string as the type, but found function.求高手指点一下哪里出错了,非常感谢.如果把上面代码改为下面的代码就可以执行methods: { add (value) { this.$store.commit('ADD_LIST', {title: value}) }, del (item) { this.$store.commit('DELETE_LIST', item) } }...
export function unifyObjectStyle (type, payload, options) { if (isObject(type) && type.type) { options = payload payload = type type = type.type } if (__DEV__) { assert(typeof type === 'string', `expects string as the type, but found ${typeof type}.`) } return { type, pa...
type } if (__DEV__) { assert( typeof type === 'string', `expects string as the type, but found ${typeof type}.` ) } return { type, payload, options } } 因为commit 有两种提交方式:一种是带载荷的方式 this.$store.commit('func', 1);另一种是以对象的形式this.$store.commit({...
options && options.silent) {console.warn(`[vuex] mutation type:${ type}. Silent option has been removed. `+'Use the filter functionality in the vue-devtools') } } dispatch是跟commit有点相似的函数,但是commit必须是同步的,而dispatch是异步的,内部还是必须通过commit来操作state ...
`[vuex] mutation type: ${type}. Silent option has been removed. `+'Use the filter functionality in the vue-devtools') } } (1)const { type, payload,options}=unify...这是ES6的解构赋值。(node环境执行的哦) 示例2 E:\vuex>node>constperson ={ ... name:...
export const addList = (commit) => (item) => { &...