方法接受一个 'url' 参数,并返回一些相关的属性和方法,包括 'sendMessage' 方法用于发送消息,'message' 和 'error' 用于存储接收到的消息和错误信息,'isOpen' 和 'isClosed' 用于表示 WebSocket 的连接状态,以及 'handleOpen'、'handleClose'、'handleError' 和 'handleMessage' 方法用于处理 WebSocket 的各种...
useWebSocket 的基本使用方法非常简单,只需要传入 WebSocket 的 URL 和可选的配置项即可。以下是一个简单的示例代码: javascript <template> <div> <button @click="sendMessage">发送消息</button> <div v-for="(message, index) in messages" :key="index"> {{ mess...
查了vueuse文档没有找到相关内容,到github issue中找到相同问题,有回答说 不可以请求头加headers,只能这样解决:const { open, send } = useWebSocket('ws://websocketurl', { Immediate: false }) sen…
Hello I'm trying to setup a simple websocket connection with VueUse + Nuxt+ @nuxtjs/composition-api but the socket doesn't connect. status remains stuck in CONNECTING and does not upgrade to OPEN. I'm following the example provided in th...
useWebSocket: ref or computed url not work!🥲#2902 chioioopened this issueMar 23, 2023· 0 comments Comments Copy link chioiocommentedMar 23, 2023 Describe the bug // get conf when page on load.constconf=useConfStore()constwsURL=computed(()=>`${conf?.app.ws_endpoint}/task`)consttas...
vueuse 是一个用于 vue 项目中的常用工具集,一些知名前端项目如 ElementUI-plus 等中都有它的声影,基于该项目可以很容易地进行封装,实现更加具体地功能。该工具集也是目前同类库中星最多的项目。不过至今为止,中文社区不是怎么活跃,可参考的资料较少.
在项目中创建一个新的useWebSocket.js文件,并添加以下代码: javascript复制代码 import { ref, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'; export function useWebSocket(url) { const socketRef = ref(null); const messages = ref([]); const errors = ref([]); const openSocket = () => { socketRef...
As the VueUse audience continues to grow, we have been inundated with an overwhelming number of feature requests and pull requests. As a result, maintaining the project has become increasingly challenging and has stretched our capacity to its limits. As such, in the near future, we may need ...
Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3 - fix(useWebSocket): ssr support (#3370) · vueuse/vueuse@c3a69ee
useWebSocket with autoReconnect should reset retry count when connection is established #4163 Open 7 tasks antfu changed the title useWebSocket with autoReconnect should reset retry count when connection is established fix(useWebSocket): should reset retry count when connection is established Aug ...