Vuetify不适用于Tailwind 、、、 我最初安装了TailwindCSS,然后在我的项目中间,我决定尝试Vuetify。用vuetify-loader安装后,vuetify运行良好,但样式不起作用。",webpack.mix文件mix.js('resources/js/app.js& 浏览6提问于2020-05-26得票数 1 1回答 在
🖊️ VS. 利用している技術 Nuxt.js 3 Vuetify 3 TailwindCSS (Sass) Typescript Chart.js Storybook 🌐 Demo 🎨 Requirement 推奨するNodeのバージョン v16 📦 Install $ nodebrew install v16.13.1 $ node install -g yarn $ yarn 💬 Usage $ yarn dev 本番...
app-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss-layer app public screenshots server temp themes/pg-tailwindcss types web-types .env.example .eslintrc.cjs .gitattributes .gitignore .npmrc .prettierrc.cjs LICENSE netlify.toml nuxt.config.ts package-lock.json package.json pro...
Unauthorized 401 error encountered while attempting to log out via Axios POST method. The Vue CLI build is not functioning properly with Tailwind through NPM. Apexchart's LineChart implemented using Vue. props data type vue The functionality of "flatMap" is not available in Vue Draggable's "no...
vitailse by @zynth17 - Like Vitesse but with TailwindCSS vitesse-modernized-chrome-ext by @xiaoluoboding - ⚡️ Modernized Chrome Extension Manifest V3 Vite Starter Template vitesse-stackter-clean-architect by @shamscorner - A modular clean architecture pattern in vitesse template vitesse-enterpris...
import '@unocss/reset/tailwind.css' import './styles/main.css' import 'uno.css' // export const createApp = ViteSSG( App, { routes: setupLayouts(routes), base: import.meta.env.BASE_URL, }, (ctx) => { // install all modules under `modules/` ...
vitailseby@zynth17- Like Vitesse but with TailwindCSS vitesse-modernized-chrome-extby@xiaoluoboding- ⚡️ Modernized Chrome Extension Manifest V3 Vite Starter Template vitesse-stackter-clean-architectby@shamscorner- A modular clean architecture pattern in vitesse template ...