Vuetifyjs: Adding only used icons to build, We recommend using @mdi/js where possible. This provides an ES Module which exports the SVG path of every icon in the icon set and supports treeshaking. You simply pass the icon string to an SVG path element or in this case you can pass it...
而您的v-text-field正在使用不同的字体(defaults tomdin version^1.5),因此缺少图标。 👍 4 MHM5000 commented Nov 13, 2019 And more importantly: Since the default font is mdi, instead of writing visibility for the eye icon, you should write mdi-eye. Most of th...
1 <template> <!-- 首先将要过渡的元素用transition包裹,并设置过渡的name --> ...
Non-existent MDI icon #64 opened Aug 13, 2020 by smuriu Upcoming VMD rebuild enhancement #63 opened Jul 17, 2020 by johnleider 5 multilevel menu #60 opened Jun 12, 2020 by kodmanyagha 2 [Bug] v-alert doesn't fill v-snackbar width if not enough content #57 opened Apr...
icon sort bootstrap vue not showing Utilizing attrs conditions with Vuetify. vue import yaml The API schema does not match the options object used to initialize Sass Loader in Vue. Use NPM to install the Inertia client-side for vue 3. ...
v-icon: a component for showing icons. v-spacer: a component that aligns the next component to the right. Regarding thescriptblock in theApp.vuefile, the Vuetify installation does not add any code here, so what you have is the starting code generated by theVue clicommand and the min...
Vuetify icons not showing correctly: they appear as as "$vuetify.icons..." 我遇到了 Vuetify 中的图标无法正确显示的问题,例如下面是 Vuetify 扩展面板。我已经尝试过这个问题 vuetify icon not showing 中的解决方案,但它们对我不起作用。您可以在下方看到人字形向下图标显示为$vuetify.icons.expand。我已经...