Nuxt allows you to change its Vite config by using its built-in hookvite:extendConfig. In its callback function, add the Vuetify plugin to the array of Vite plugins. To resolve relative asset URLs that are passed to Vuetify components such asVImg(e.g.~/assets/img/some.png) thetransform...
(Vue 3 requires this change) Note that this does not apply to value used as a selection value, for example v-btn within v-btn-toggle. @input event has been replaced by @update:model-value on components that support v-model usage. (Vue 3 requires this change) left and right have ...
更改@change上的v-文本字段背景组件 当输入值发生变化时,我的目标是将v-text字段组件的颜色更改为不同的颜色。我尝试在vuetify控制器中使用@change,但它只传递事件中的文本值,因此我无法将任何额外的类绑定到实际组件。显然,我可以为每个特定控件提供布尔值,并让每个@change分别访问这些控件,但我希望有一种更可重...
When using chinese in vuetify's tags, the default font: roboto, just can't properly suit to those chinese words, and would automatically change the font into a chinese font called "PMingLiU", which is the chrome browser's default font for chinese words. There are several ways to change de...
' family=Oxygen:300,400,700&display=swap'
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ function getYear(airDate: string) { 'transition transform-cpu duration-300 scale-105 shadow-lg': hover.isHovering, 'ring-1': isImageLoaded, }" @click.stop="goMediaDetail" > <VImg aspect-ratio="2/3" @...
This also works with Vuetify 3, the concepts are the same, but the syntax is slightly different since also the vue3 syntax has moved on. How to change the global Theme in Vuetify 3 If you would like to set the dark theme as default, you can do this easily in the configuration. ...
Vuetify Change Button Text on Click Example 1 <v-btn v-on:click="toggleButtonText = !toggleButtonText"> 2 {{ toggleButtonText?'Click me': 'Clicked'}} 3 </v-btn> 4 <script type="module"> 5 const app = createApp({ 6 data() { 7 return { 8 toggleButtonText: true 9 }; 10 },...
MaterialPro is powerful Vuetify 3 + Vue3 + Vite + Typescript admin dashboard template. It uses google's material design.
// .storybook/main.js const path = require('path'); module.exports = { ..., webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => { // `configType` has a value of 'DEVELOPMENT' or 'PRODUCTION' // You can change the configuration based on that. // 'PRODUCTION' is used when building...