bash npx vuepress dev 然后,在浏览器中打开显示的本地服务器地址(通常是 http://localhost:8080),并尝试使用搜索功能来验证配置是否生效。 调整配置: 根据测试结果,你可能需要调整 vuepress-plugin-search-pro 的配置选项以满足你的具体需求。例如,你可以配置搜索路径、搜索结果展示数量、搜索热键等。
1.安装全文搜索插件 vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search 进入vuepress 项目文件夹 npm i vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search -D # or yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search -D 然后修改配置文件引入插件,(voding主题把 plugins 单独出来了,要修改\docs.vuepress\config\plugins.js) // docs/.vuepress/config....
"devDependencies": { "@vuepress/bundler-vite": "2.0.0-rc.7", "vue": "^3.4.15", "vuepress": "2.0.0-rc.7", "vuepress-theme-hope": "2.0.0-rc.23" }, "dependencies": { "vuepress-plugin-search-pro": "^2.0.0-rc.23" } I have the following errors: and when I look at the ...
First, install plugin. npm i vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search -D#oryarn add vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search -D Then, enable the plugin in yourdocs/.vuepress/config.js: // docs/.vuepress/config.jsmodule.exports={// ...plugins:['fulltext-search'],} ...
search plugin for vuepress. Latest version: 1.9.10, last published: a year ago. Start using @vuepress/plugin-search in your project by running `npm i @vuepress/plugin-search`. There are 139 other projects in the npm registry using @vuepress/plugin-search
2.0.0-beta.41 => 2.0.0-beta.41 @vuepress/plugin-palette: 2.0.0-beta.41 @vuepress/plugin-prismjs: 2.0.0-beta.41 @vuepress/plugin-pwa: Not Found @vuepress/plugin-pwa-popup: Not Found @vuepress/plugin-register-components: ^2.0.0-beta.43 => 2.0.0-beta.43 @vuepress/plugin-search: ^... 支持中文搜索了,可是不容易了 通过插件 vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search 实现全文搜索 安装依赖 vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search yarn add -D
yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-search@next # OR npm install -D @vuepress/plugin-search@next Note that this plugin has been included in default theme, the search box you see now is powered by the plugin. # Usage Enable this plugin: // .vuepress/config.js or themePath/index.js module....
Vuepress插件全文搜索 使用库向您的网站添加全文搜索功能。 非常感谢 ( 的想法。 用法 首先,安装插件。 npm i vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search -D # or yarn add vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search -D 然后,在您的docs/.vuepress/config.js启用插件: // docs/.vuepress/config.js module . exports = { /...
vuepress-plugin-thirdparty-search难免**任性 上传6.57 KB 文件格式 zip vuepress插件,可以添加第三方搜索链接的搜索框 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Warcraft-Rumble_Decks 2024-11-25 21:28:50 积分:1 MySQL索引:提升数据检索速度的加速器 2024-11-25 21:25:46 积分:1 ...