Components for vuepress-theme-hope. Official Docs|官方文档 Install # pnpmpnpm add -D vuepress-plugin-components# npmnpm i -D vuepress-plugin-components# yarnyarn add -D vuepress-plugin-components vuepress-theme-hope 的组件。 安装 # pnpmpnpm add -D vuepress-plugin-components# npmnpm i -D vuep...
yarn install# install all dependenciesyarn dev# serves VuePress' own docs with itselfyarntest# make sure your code change pass the test If you don't have a local checkout, you can also openVuePress in Gitpod, a free online IDE for GitHub. If you intend to make"substantial"changes to Vue...
To make clear what is expected, all users using VuePress Theme Hope or related plugins are required to conform to the following Code of Conduct. Code of Conduct VuePress Theme Hope is dedicated to providing a positive and harassment-free viewing experience for every visitor, regardless of age, ...
🔥HEADS UP!You're currently looking at vuepress-plugin-vue-examplenextbranch forVuepress 2. If you're looking for a Vuepress 1 compatible version of vuepress-plugin-vue-example,please check out themasterbranch. AVuepress 2plugin to display Vue components' live examples and source code inside ...