左侧,是开箱即用的基于 headers 的搜索。 右侧,是可选开启的Algolia Search全文搜索,这需要你去注册并申请 appId。 接下来我们看看这个搜索插件的交互。 用户首先键入关键词,Search Plugin 注册的<SearchBox>插件会尝试去 VuePress 内置的应用元数据中去查找匹配结果,如果找到了,就将这个匹配结果渲染给用户。 在这个搜...
3.1 vuepress 插件 与vuepress 1.x不同的是,vuepress 2.x初始没有继承搜索框,这里我们需要自己添加,这里我们以search插件为主。官方配置方式 终端添加插件依赖 npm i -D @vuepress/plugin-search@next 或者 yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-search@next 1. 在.vuepress/config.js进行配置,代码如下,具体配置项参考...
pnpm add -D @vuepress/plugin-pwa@next # PWA功能 pnpm add -D @vuepress/plugin-pwa-popup@next # PWA更新提示 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 对于@next的模块,如果未能安装最新版本,可在@后面直接添加最新版本号,替代next。一般显示如下: devDependencies: + @vuepress/plugin-search 2....
Next-Generation full text search library for Vuepress vuepress-plugin-flexsearch vuepress-search search vuepress-plugin vuepress z3bya• 0.3.0 • 3 years ago • 6 dependents • MITpublished version 0.3.0, 3 years ago6 dependents licensed under $MIT 1,795 @vuepress/cli CLI package of V...
https://v2.vuepress.vuejs.org/zh/reference/config.html#dest V2 版本的官方插件安装要加后缀@next 1.x 版本: npm install -D @vuepress/plugin-search 2.x 版本: npm install -D @vuepress/plugin-search@next Previous Ubuntu 使用技巧 Next 阿里云...
pnpm i-d@vuepress/plugin-search@nextvuepress-plugin-copy-code2@next 然后再config.ts中的plugins中使用这两个插件: plugins:[// 搜索插件searchPlugin({hotKeys:["ctrl","k"],//聚焦热键为ctrl+k}),// 复制代码插件copyCodePlugin({showInMobile:true,//是否显示在移动端pure:true,//复制按钮在代码块...
Next-Generation full text search library for Vuepress A great replacement of the default Vuepress search plugin. Installation yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-flexsearch // or npm install vuepress-plugin-flexsearch -D Usage Use the default settings: // .vuepress/config.js module.exports = { plugins...
Next-Generation full text search library for Vuepress A great replacement of the default Vuepress search plugin. Installation yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-flexsearch // or npm install vuepress-plugin-flexsearch -D Usage Use the default settings: ...
$plugin-search:match non-ASCII chars (close#2242) (#2283) (9f3f49c)@meteorlxy $shared-utils:fail to resolve markdown-it plugins (close#2286)(#2289) (16df156)@meteorlxy $theme-default:close dropdown on mouseout (fix#2227) (#2303) (430b917)@Mr.Hope ...
Next-Generation full text search library for Vuepress. Latest version: 0.3.0, last published: 3 years ago. Start using vuepress-plugin-flexsearch in your project by running `npm i vuepress-plugin-flexsearch`. There are 6 other projects in the npm registr