vuejs/core Getting Started Please follow the documentation! Sponsors Vue.js is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of these awesomebackers. If you'd like to join them, please considersponsoring Vue's development. ...
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. - GitHub - vuejs/core at v3.3.4
API的mock数据主要分为两种,一种是零散的、手工发起的ajax API请求;另一种是被封装到控件内部的ajax API请求。不管是哪一种mock,首先我们在每个页面都会加载的core.js里面定义了一个全局的mock开关:mvcApp.mock = true/false,然后在页面加载完成后,判断如果设置mock==true,则提示用户/开发者当前使用的是mock数据!
vuejs/corePublic Sponsor NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork8.5k Star49k Code Issues645 Pull requests348 Discussions Actions Projects3 Security Insights Additional navigation options Labels57Milestones0 LabelsMilestones ...
vue.js 源代码学习笔记 --- core scedule.js /*@flow*/import type Watcher from'./watcher'import config from'../config'import { callHook } from'../instance/lifecycle' import { warn, nextTick, devtools } from'../util/index'const queue: Array<Watcher> =[] let...
首先,源码的优化体现在代码管理方式上。Vue.js 2.x 的源码托管在 src 目录,然后依据功能拆分出了 compiler(模板编译的相关代码)、core(与平台无关的通用运行时代码)、platforms(平台专有代码)、server(服务端渲染的相关代码)、sfc(.vue 单文件解析相关代码)、shared(共享工具代码) 等目录: ...
在Vue 的初始化阶段,_init 方法执行的时候,会执行 initState(vm) ,它的定义在 src/core/instance/state.js 中。在初始化 data 和 props option 时我们注意 initProps 和 initData 方法中都调用了 observe 方法。通过 observe (value),就可以将数据变成响应式。 yyds2026 2022/10/26 5740 [咖聊] 您瞅啥?瞅...
I had some comments there, but I think there's a core issue in function invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, prevVNode, instance, name) It assumes vnode and prevVNode have the same number of "dirs". I was able to catch a case where this wasn't true. ...
fix(runtime-core): show hydration mismatch details for non-rectified m… 10个月前 .node-version ci: use.node-versionto maintain node version (#8986) 1年前 .prettierignore style: format html&markdown files (#11531) 6个月前 .prettierrc ...