基于vue3 的后台管理模板(适配 ruoyi 接口). Contribute to xpyjs/vue3-admin-template development by creating an account on GitHub.
vue-element-admin Public Forked from PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin 🎉 A magical vue admin https://vuejsadmin.com/product/vue-element-admin/ Vue 6 3 staradmin-vuejs Public Forked from BootstrapDash/StarAdmin-Free-Vue-Admin-Template Star Admin Vue Admin is a free admin template based...
基础模板:vue-admin-template 桌面终端:electron-vue-admin Typescript 版:vue-typescript-admin-template(鸣谢:@Armour) Others:awesome-project # clone the project git clone https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template.git # enter the project directory cd vue-admin-template # install dependency npm...
Materio Vuetify Vuejs Admin Templateprovides 60+ Basic and advanced Cards for eCommerce Analytics, CRM, Statistics, and Interactive Charts. Github Repository Access As a developer, there is nothing better than getting GitHub Repo access. Get all the latest changes, new features, and bug fixes wit...
*Detail see:https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/essentials/router-and-nav.html * *hidden: true if settrue, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false) *alwaysShow: true if settrue, will always show the root menu ...
What I appreciate the most about ThemeSelection's admin template is the code structure, quality, and UI design. Additionally, it is really easy to use the product as it is highly customizable and can be used for any kind of web app. Moreover, the support team is very helpful as well....
https://github.com/wxs77577/a... 基于Vuetify的后台管理框架,后续会推出基于AdonisJs的后端接口 An Admin dashboard based onVuetify. Data in demo useaxios-mock-adapter Better Server API is built onAdonisJs. Also welcome toAdonis China.
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一
vue-admin-beautiful(element-ui) 地址 🎉 vue2.x + element-ui(免费商用,支持 PC、平板、手机) ⚡️ vue3.x + ant-design-vue(beta 版本,免费商用,支持 PC、平板、手机) 🚀 pro 版演示地址(付费版本,支持 PC、平板、手机) 🌐 github 仓库地址 🌐 码云仓库地址 备份地址(以上地址无法...
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia 和 UnoCSS。