以下是一个基本的示例,演示如何在Vue.js 3中使用`vue-json-viewer`这个第三方组件库: 1. **安装`vue-json-viewer`**: 使用npm或yarn安装`vue-json-viewer`: ```bash npm install vue-json-viewer #或 yarn add vue-json-viewer ``` 2. **在组件中引入并使用`vue-json-viewer`**: ```html <!-...
import "@/assets/scss/jvStyle.scss"; import "vue3-json-viewer/dist/index.css"; <json-viewer :value="viewParam" boxed :sort="true" :expand-depth=5 :copyable="{ copyText: '复制代码', copiedText: '复制成功' }" @copied="textCopy" ></json-viewer> main.js import {createApp} from '...
{JsonViewer}from"vue3-json-viewer"import"vue3-json-viewer/dist/index.css";import{reactive,ref}from"vue";letobj={name:"qiu",//字符串age:18,//数组isMan:false,//布尔值date:newDate(),fn:()=>{},arr:[1,2,5]};constjsonData=reactive(obj);.box{margin-top:1rem; } Install npm ivue...
$ npm install vue3-json-viewer --save RecentUpdate dark theme support Add click event for keyNode Support RegExp types Doc document Usage main.js import{createApp}from"vue";importAppfrom"./App.vue";importJsonViewerfrom"vue3-json-viewer";// if you used v1.0.5 or latster ,you should ...
Simple JSON viewer component, for Vue.js 3.x . Contribute to qiuquanwu/vue3-json-viewer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Package vue3-json-source-viewer failed to load. There might be a problem with your internet connection. Try refreshing the page a few times. If the problem persists, file an issue onGitHub.
createApp({ data: function() { return { treeData: treeData } }, methods: { makeFolder: function(item) { Vue.set(item, 'newFolder', {}); this.addItem(item.newFolder); }, addItem: function(item) { Vue.set(item, 'newItem', 'new stuff'); } } }) app.c...
1. Import and register the JSON viewer. import JsonViewer from 'vue-json-viewer' Vue.use(JsonViewer); 2. Add the JsonViewer component to the template and define the JSON data as follows: <json-viewer :value="jsonData"></json-viewer> ...
$ yarn add json-editor-vue # NPM $ npm i json-editor-vue Description: This is a powerful JSON viewer & editor based onsvelte-jsoneditor. With this library, you will be able to view, edit, insert, remove, duplicate, sort, filter, and transform JSON data in plain text or as a tree...
使用vue3-json-viewer实现json类似格式化,但是效果和官网的例子不一样,看着有点像是样式问题,但调试了一下,发现貌似行不通 问题出现的环境背景及自己尝试过哪些方法 相关代码 粘贴代码文本(请勿用截图) import "@/assets/scss/jvStyle.scss"; import "vue3-json-viewer/dist/index.css"; <json-viewer :value=...