可以使用CMD命令行进行项目的初始化,然后再用IDE导入,这里选择了IDE直接新建项目作为记录。打开webstorm,new project,选择 VUE.js,键入项目路径和名称,我这里是 vuedemo,如图: 然后一路的 next , 这里的vue-cli(脚手架),会初始化项目,下载一些依赖的js库,视网络速度,有快有慢。。。然后成功后会让你输入project...
docs doc: update demo.gif Nov 16, 2020 public feat: 支持移动端 Jan 4, 2021 src fix: remove 'Vue warn' Sep 17, 2021 typings fix: 修复bug Dec 25, 2020 .browserslistrc feat: drag complete Nov 8, 2020 .eslintignore fix: #3 Nov 27, 2020 .eslintrc.js fix: #3 Nov 27, 2020 .gi...
$ npm install vue3-draggable-resizable Register the Vue3DraggableResizable // >main.jsimport{ createApp }from'vue'importAppfrom'./App.vue'importVue3DraggableResizablefrom'vue3-draggable-resizable'//default stylesimport'vue3-draggable-resizable/dist/Vue3DraggableResizable.css'// You will have a gl...
Demo Demo 修改过程记录 提出建议 github 在原组件的Issues中提出了建议,作者表示不打算让此组件进行跨越组件之外的操作。 好吧,既然作者不打算进行这方面的支持,那只好自己动手了。 Clone项目 Fork项目到自己的仓库,然后Clone项目到本地进行修改。 需求说明 1.组件之间的冲突检测 两个组件不允许重叠,如果重叠,将回...
Current version:1.0.0 (Supports Vue 3+) [Demo|Changelog] English |简体中文 Projects using vue-grid-layout Draxed cryptotiles Data Providers Cataholic Know of others? Create a PR to let me know! Features Draggable widgets Resizable widgets ...
第一步:首先得保证父组件中有值吧 这是userManage.vue data(){ return{ dialogCreate:'false' } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第二步:在父组件中引用子组件 import Form from './userCreate' 1. 第三步:父组件中注册子组件并引用 <template> <app-form></app-form> ...
Basic usage: 1. Import the grid layout component. // Globally import { GridLayout, GridItem } from 'grid-layout-plus' app.component('GridLayout', GridLayout) .component('GridItem', GridItem) // locally import { defineComponent } from 'vue' ...
Demo App Fixed index value when dropping a new GridItem onto the layout. This only works when index is a numeric value. Demo App Added checks so number input can not have less than 1. Tests Added more unit tests and refactored code so it is easier to test. v: 1.2.4 (2023-10-23...
For Vue 1 use version1.0.3 [Demo|Changelog] English |简体中文 Projects using vue-grid-layout Draxed cryptotiles Data Providers Cataholic Know of others? Create a PR to let me know! Features Draggable widgets Resizable widgets Static widgets ...