不传,父组件报错:Missing required prop: 'persons' // defineProps<{persons:Persons}>() // 接收 persons 类型 必要性 // 通过 ? 表明可以不传,父组件不会报错 // defineProps<{persons?:Persons}>() withDefaults(defineProps<{persons?:Persons}>(), { // 注:默认值需要通过函数返回,类似 vue2 中...
不传也不报错 // defineProps(['persons']) // 接收 persons + 类型。不传,父组件报错:Missing required prop: "persons" // defineProps<{persons:Persons}>() // 接收 persons + 类型 + 必要性 // 通过 ? 表明可以不传,父组件不会报错 // defineProps<{persons?:Persons}>() withDefaults(definePr...
<template></template>import*asechartsfrom'echarts'import{EChartsOption}from'echarts'import{ ref, onMounted, withDefaults, defineProps }from'vue'constprops =withDefaults( defineProps<{options:EChartsOption// required: truewidth?: string height?: string }>(), {width:'100%',// defaults: '100...
'default')// default values// 默认值处理,且父组件没有传递数据,prop取默认值if(hasDefault && value ===undefined) {constdefaultValue = opt.defaultif(opt.type!==Function&&isFunction(defaultValue)) {const{ propsDefaults } = instanceif(keyinpropsDefaults) {...
defineProps<{ // 采⽤ts专有声明,⽆默认值 msg: string, num?: number }>() // 采⽤ts专有声明,有默认值 interface Props { msg?: string labels?: string[] } const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { msg: 'hello', labels: () => ['one', 'two'] }) defineProps({...
The label of el-form is consistent with the global label style VITE_PUBLIC_PATH defaults to /, which is more friendly to VITE_ROUTER_HISTORY in h5 mode Optimize the transformI18n function and support unlimited nesting levels for internationalization (of course, the platform still recommends that ...
label }} </slot> </template> </v-select> </template> import { computed, ref } from 'vue'; import 'vue-select/dist/vue-select.css'; export interface IOption { value: string | number; label: string; } const props = withDefaults( defineProps<{ modelValue: string | number | stri...
However, even if not expected, this may cause some side effects with reactive changes which must be applied for individual components when not implemented and therefore considered as a breaking change. Please check your app carefully when updating to the new major version....
Defaults = ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions> = { … } That wasnotpretty code for everyday usage, was it? That exactly is one of the reasons why the anti-TypeScript community exists. Not only that, but we would always have to choose a different interface declaration for each compon...