1、PDF中文不显示 2、PDF签章没显示出来,控制台提示:Warning: Unimplemented widget field type "Sig", falling back to base field type 3、第二次打开PDF的时候会遇到PDF空白的问题,控制台提示:Error during font loading: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': ArrayBuffer at index 0 is already d...
<fge-pdf-vue3style="height: 100vh;":viewButton="viewButton":viewSignature="viewSignature":signature="signature":page-number="1"file-name="Custom fileName"v-model:files="files":footer-text="'Copyright © MINISTERIO PÚBLICO DE BOLIVIA'":footer-visible="true":token="token":theme="'light...
解决问题数据传输简单、高效会生成签名,保证传输安全更具有时效性更高效利用集群做好单点登录 3、原理服务器认证后,生成一个JSON对象,后续通过json进行通信 4、数据结构 Header(头部) Payload(负载) Signature(签名) Header结构
如果匹配成功,服务器会为该用户生成一个JWT令牌。 令牌生成:JWT由三部分组成,分别是头部(header)、载荷(payload)和签名(signature)。头部包含算法和令牌类型等信息,载荷包含用户的身份信息和其他自定义信息,签名用于验证令牌的合法性。 令牌签名:服务器使用服务器端的私钥对头部和载荷进行签名,生成签名部分。客户端接收...
PDF Viewer Pivot Table Predefined Dialogs ProgressBar ProgressButton QueryBuilder RadioButton Range Navigator Range Slider Rating Ribbon RichText Editor Schedule Sidebar Signature Skeleton SmartPasteButton Smart Textarea Smith Chart Sparkline SpeedDial Spinner SplitButton Splitter Spreadsheet Stepper Stock Chart ...
Create the Vue 3 application The best way to create a Vue 3 application is to use thevue createcommand. npm install -g @vue/cli vue create quickstartcdquickstart npm run serve Initiating a new project prompts us to choose the type of project to be used for the current application. Select...
【Signature Transformation】 X-TIMESTAMP Involvement [websocket security] The websocket server has performance and security issues. #3278 Repair the current background interface hangs interface jump 404, instead jump directly to the login interface ...
npm install vue-pdf-embed yarn add vue-pdf-embed Usage <template> File <vue-pdf-embed:source="source1"/> Base64 <vue-pdf-embed:source="source2"/> </template>importVuePdfEmbedfrom'vue-pdf-embed'//OR THE FOLLOWING IMPORT FOR VUE 2//import VuePdfEmbed from 'vue-pdf-embed/dist/...
| ❌ | no issue | - vue-signature-pad - 🖋 A Vue Signature Pad Component | ❌ | no issue | - vg-editor - A visual graph editor based on G6 and Vue, inspired by GGEditor | ❌ | no issue | - vue-pencil.js - Build reactive 2D graphics scene in your Vue project. | ...
"http-signature": "~1.2.0", "is-typedarray": "~1.0.0", "isstream": "~0.1.2", "json-stringify-safe": "~5.0.1", "mime-types": "~2.1.19", "oauth-sign": "~0.9.0", "performance-now": "^2.1.0", "qs": "~6.5.2", ...