app.mount("#app") setup + vue-class-component vue-class-component v8版本的文档还没出来,具体语法规则可以查看项目的 issues 或者 源码 @Component will be renamed to @Options. @Options is optional if you don't declare any options with it. Vue constructor is provided from vue-class-component pac...
functionGreeter(greeting:string){returnfunction(target:Function){target.prototype.greet=function():void{console.log(greeting);};};}@Greeter("Hello TS!")classGreeting{constructor(){// 内部实现}}letmyGreeting=newGreeting();(myGreetingasany).greet();// console output: 'Hello TS!'; 2. 属性装饰...
给项目安装了vue-class-component 新建.index.tsx 文件 写入代码 import Vue from 'vue'; import Component from 'vue-class-component'; @Component export class HomeComponent extends Vue { }…
vue-class-component made sense for Vue 2.x when the TypeScript support was really bad. Currently this library provides no additional benefits, it just modifies the syntax of declaring a component. Additionally almost all users of vue-class-component are using vue-property-decorator (https://gith...
vue-class-component made sense for Vue 2.x when the TypeScript support was really bad. Currently this library provides no additional benefits, it just modifies the syntax of declaring a component. Additionally almost all users of vue-class-component are using vue-property-decorator (https://gith...
vue-class-component made sense for Vue 2.x when theTypeScriptsupport was really bad. Currently this library provides no additional benefits, it just modifies the syntax of declaring a component. Additionally almost all users of vue-class-component are using vue-property-decorator (https://github...
vue-class-component made sense for Vue 2.x when the TypeScript support was really bad. Currently this library provides no additional benefits, it just modifies the syntax of declaring a component. Additionally almost all users of vue-class-component are using vue-property-decorator (https...
vue-class-component made sense for Vue 2.x when the TypeScript support was really bad. Currently this library provides no additional benefits, it just modifies the syntax of declaring a component. Additionally almost all users of vue-class-component are using vue-property-decorator (https://gith...
Vue3+TypeScript+vue-class-component+Webpack实战踩坑1. 项⽬运⾏环境 node v12.9.0 npm v6.10.2 cli-service v4.5.0 2. 核⼼框架版本号 "vue": "^3.0.0","vue-class-component": "^8.0.0-0","vue-router": "^4.0.0-0","vuex": "^4.0.0-0","vuex-class": "^0.3.2...