Does the file exist? Plugin: vite:import-analysis File: G:/vue/vue3/demo01/vitedemo1/src/router/index.ts 1 | import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from "vue-router"; 2 | import login from "@/views/login/index.vue"; | ^ 3 | const routes = [ 4 | { at formatError (G...
8. 路由配置错误 错误示例: 路由配置不正确导致页面无法加载。 解决方案: 确保路由配置正确,特别是路径、命名和组件引用。 import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from'vue-router'; import Home from'./views/Home.vue'; const router=createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(), routes: [ { path:'/...
下午11:42:12[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import"@/views/Home.vue"from"src\router\index.ts". Does the file exist?Plugin: vite:import-analysis File: D:/workspace/test/element-plus-ts/src/router/index.ts4| path:"/home",5| name:"Home",6| component: () => import(...
[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import “@/views/lazyLoading.vue” from “src\router\index.js”. Does the file exist? 查阅资料后,得知是需要在vue中配置一个@符号的 解决方案 下载一个插件 npm install --save-dev @types/node 然后在vue项目中找到 vite.config.ts 文件进行配置 imp...
10:39:26 AM [vite] Pre-transform error: Failed to resolve import "vue-router" from "resources/ts/src/router/index.ts". Does the file exist?10:39:26 AM [vite] Pre-transform error: Failed to resolve import "vue-i18n" from "resources/ts/src/core/plugins/i18n.ts". Does the file ...
File:/Users/tiven/Desktop/dev/yc-chat-mbi/src/components/Footer.vue2:47:05PM[vite]Internal server error:Failed to resolveimport"vant/es"from"src/components/Footer.vue".Does the file exist?Plugin:vite:import-analysis File:/Users/tiven/Desktop/dev/yc-chat-mbi/src/components/Footer.vue:1:891...
Does the file exist? Plugin: vite:import-analysis File: D:/vue3-vite/node_modules/.vite/echarts.js?v=d45a44e5 1 | import { 2 | __export 3 | } from "./chunk-5EQUFJMO.js"; | ^ 4 | 5 | // node_modules/_tslib@2.0.3@tslib/tslib.es6.js 回复2021-06-02 sky124380729(...
Confirm the log path:::tip ⚠️Note that this problem will occur if CGO is not installed in the windows10+ environment;E:\go-admin>go build # cgo: exec /missing-cc: exec: "/missing-cc": file does not existor...
Add vite-plugin-router-warn plug-in to eliminate unnecessary vue-router dynamic routing warningNo match found for location with path 🐞 Bug fixes Fixed the problem that in query routing parameter passing mode, two router jumps will be triggered when clicking the tab page to switch operations. ...
这里的响应式数据,可以简单理解为通过 ref API 、 reactive API 定义出来的数据,当然 Vuex 、Vue Router 等 Vue 数据也都具备响应式,可以在 响应式数据的变化 了解。 用法变化 先从一个简单的用例来看看在 Vue 新旧版本的用法区别: 假设定义了两个分开的数据 firstName 名字和 lastName 姓氏,但是在 templ...