test: resolve('src/components'), // can customize your rules minChunks: 3, // minimum common number priority: 5, reuseExistingChunk: true } } }) } } 启动报错:resolve is not defind 莫慌这是因为引用失败,vue.config.js文件上方加入引用 constpath=require('path');functionresolve(dir){returnpat...
{ defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' //引入 import { resolve } from 'path' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ vue(), ], resolve: { alias: { '@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)), //添加如下代码 web3: resolve(__dirname,...
一、首先确保有两个文件: tsconfig.json vite.config.ts(注:如果是vue.config.js,则手动改为vite.config.js) 二、 在ts.config.json中修改 {"compilerOptions": { ..."paths": {"@/*": ["src/*"] } } } 三、在vite.config.ts中修改 exportdefaultdefineConfig({ ...resolve: {...
Ant Design Vue 报错:Failed to resolve directive: ant-portal的解决办法 ant 调用Modal时,会报错 vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:619 [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve directive: ant-portal (found 飞奔去旅行 2020/10/26 使用Vue3.0,我收获了哪些知识点(一) ...
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'import vuejsx from "@vue/babel-plugin-jsx"import path from "path"// https://vitejs.dev/config/export default defineConfig({plugins: [vue(),vuejsx({})],resolve:{alias:{"@": `${path.resolve(__dirname, './src...
[Vue warn]: Property "handleTableSave" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. at at <List onVnodeUnmounted=fn ref=Ref< undefined > key="/...
resolve: { fallback: { }, }, plugins: [ new NodePolyfillPlugin(), ] }, }) 三、重新运行后,在使用minio时发现继续报错:process is not defined 四、解决方法: 安装process: npm install -D process 在vue.config.js中配置: new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ ...
Props值定义确实是一个兼容性导致的包袱。但是在 下已经支持直接用 defineProps<{...}> 类型声明 pr...
三、Vue3.0,组件不加载进来,提示Failed to resolve component 尽量使用kebab-case.png 四、移除了$listeners,并且不兼容 2.x.png 3.x.png 五、require is not defined import.meta.glob('./api/*.js') 六、el-dialog不显示问题 3.x的el-dialog.png ...
ERROR: Unable to resolve path to module 错误代码: importUploadfrom'@/components/upload/index.vue' 路径引用错误??看起来没毛病,vite.config.js中明明配置了短链 resolve: {alias: {'@':pathResolve('src'), } } 但eslint 并不会自动读取 vite 的配置,因此 eslint 也要加上对应配置: ...