<template>选择pdf:<el-buttontype="info"@click="downPdf"plain style="width:400px;">保存并下载pdf</el-button>
1. 安装pdf.js库到Vue3项目中 首先,你需要将pdf.js库安装到你的Vue 3项目中。你可以使用npm或yarn来安装它: bash npm install pdfjs-dist # 或者 yarn add pdfjs-dist 2. 在Vue3组件中引入pdf.js 在你的Vue组件中,你需要引入pdf.js。这里是一个简单的例子,展示了如何在Vue组件中引入并使用pdf.js: ...
tsconfig.lib.types.json v0.1.5 Oct 9, 2021 vue.config.js initialise repo, npm and build pipelines Aug 14, 2021 README MIT license DEMO Install npm i vue3-pdfjs or yarn add vue3-pdfjs Usage Demo code can be found under the docs sectionhere. ...
onScrollListen to the pdf scrolling, the parameter is the currentscrollTopvalue.scrollOffset: number onPageChangeListen for page number changes.page: number onPdfInitpdf is init. PDFDocumentProxy:https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/api/draft/module-pdfjsLib-PDFDocumentProxy.htmlpdf: PDFDocumentProxy...
import pdfjsLib from "pdfjs-dist"; // const Base64 = require('js-base64').Base64 export default { name: "ContractPreview", data() { return { title: "查看协议", pdfDoc: null, pages: 0 }; }, methods: { // 初始化pdfjs initThePDFJSLIB: function() { pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOption...
"pdfjs-dist": "^2.4.456", "sass-loader": "^12.6.0", "url-loader": "^4.1.1", "vis": "^4.21.0-EOL", "vue": "^3.2.13", "vue-pdf": "^4.3.0", "vue-router": "^4.0.14", "vue-uuid": "^3.0.0", "vue3-pdf": "^4.2.6", ...
vue3 less 获取js变量,vue的内容分发非常适合“固定部分+动态部分”的组件的场景,固定部分可以是结构固定,也可以是逻辑固定,比如下拉loading,下拉loading只是中间内容是动态的,而拉到底部都会触发拉取更多内容的操作,因此我们可以把下拉loading做成一个有slot的插件
<VuePdfEmbedimage-resources-path="https://unpkg.com/pdfjs-dist/web/images/" source="<PDF_URL>" /> Note:The examples above use a CDN to load resources, however these resources can also be included in the build by installing thepdfjs-distpackage as a dependency and further configuring the...