Leaflet有大量的第三方插件,用于扩展其功能。例如,Leaflet.draw插件用于地图上的绘图操作。 var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({ edit: { featureGroup: editableLayers } }); map.addControl(drawControl); HTML 6. 高级主题 地理编码与反地理编码 地理编码是将地址转换为地理坐标的过程,反地理编码是将地...
您好,在index.html里边引入leaflet.draw.css样式文件试试呢,看看控制台有没有报错,跟坐标系没有关系 ...
此外,Leaflet还支持通过L.popup和L.tooltip等方法在地图上添加弹出窗口和提示框,提升用户体验。 四、插件与扩展的探索 Leaflet的插件生态是其强大功能的重要体现之一。通过引入插件,开发者可以轻松实现地图搜索、轨迹追踪、热力图显示等高级功能。例如,Leaflet.draw插件允许用户在地图上绘制和编辑几何图形;Leaflet.markerclu...
vue3-leaflet-demo Yo**ne上传154.39 KB文件格式zip leaflet地图绘制点线面 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 html-learn 2024-12-22 02:24:39 积分:1 studio-view 2024-12-22 02:24:05 积分:1 source-draw 2024-12-22 02:10:24 积分:1 antV-g6...
D3GeoLeaf: Draw geometry shapes on top of the Leaflet view. Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps. The use-cases include drawing a road's or subway's geometry shapes with statistical values. Normally used in monitoring dashboard. ...
leaflet control MapControl map mapbox jgimbel •2.1.2•5 years ago•32dependents•ISCpublished version2.1.2,5 years ago32dependentslicensed under $ISC 19,598 mapbox-gl-draw-circle A module to draw a circle using mapbox-gl-draw ...
| ❌ | no issue | - vue-scratchable - A Vue.js wrapper component that turns everything into fun scratch cards. | ❌ | no issue | - vue-rough - Components for Rough.js, a graphics library that lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style.Link...
在试图将一个功能组添加到我的地图时获取此错误:<l-map :zoom="zoom__vue__; map.addLayer(drawnItems);leaflet 1.5.1,leaflet-draw 1.0.4,
vue2-leaflet - Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps. vue-mapbox-gl - Vue 2.x component for Mapbox GL JS vue-yandex-maps - Vue 2.x component for Yandex Maps vue-baidu-map - Vue 2.x component for Baidu Maps. vue-choropleth - Vue 2.x component to display a choropleth map. vuelay...