vue3-chart-v2 is a wrapper for Chart.js in vue 3. You can easily create reuseable chart components. Inspired by vue-chartjs - vutran6853/vue3-chart-v2
these are defined as vue components inshell/chart/<chart name/steps this is a process brought in withAdd dynamic 'Uninstall V1' step to Monitoring V2 wizard#3101, however the actual steps have been removed (v1 monitoring no longer supported) whilst testing[Epic] Vue3: require.context provide...
getChart, setOption, resize, refresh, }); 小结 通过实战项目可知,使用 vue-demi 对组件进行改造主要涉及 Vue 2 到 Vue 3 语法改造,其中包括响应式变量、组件实例获取,以及 emits 触发等。更多细节可以参考官方的 Vue 3 迁移指南。 改造完成后,我们可以通过本地 npm 包发布的方式进行组件的兼容性测试。这可...
.appContext.config.globalProperties.$echarts chart = echarts.init(dom,'weizwz') // 渲染图表 if(props.initBefore) { props.initBefore(chart).then((data: Record<string, any>) =>{ setData(data) if(props.initAfter) props.initAfter(chart) }) }else{ chart.setOption(props.option) if(props....
</template> export default { mounted() { this.drawLine() }, methods: { drawLine() { // 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例 const myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('myChart')) myChart.setOption({ title: [ { text: '雷达图', left:'center' } ], polar: ...
现在,我们需要创建一个饼状图组件PieChart.vue。这里我们可以使用Chart.js或其他图表库来渲染饼状图。 <template></template>import{ref,onMounted}from'vue';import{ChartasChartJS,Title,Tooltip,Legend,ArcElement,CategoryScale}from'chart.js';exportdefault{props:{data:{type:Array,required:true,},},setup(p...
('') .then(response => response.json()); // 初始化ECharts实例 const chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.chinaMap); // 设置地图选项 const option = { series: [ { type: 'map', map: 'china', // 指定地图类型为'china'...
136Vue.component('v-chart', ECharts) 137}) 138``` 139 140### Global variable 141 142Without any module system, the component is exposed as`window.VueECharts`. 143 144```js 145// register component to use 146Vue.component('v-chart', VueECharts) ...
import BarChart from './components/BarChart.vue'; <template> <BarChart id="barChart" height="400px"width="300px" /> </template> 效果预览图标选择器组件封装<!-- src/components/IconSelect/index.vue --> const props = defineProps({ modelValue: { type: String, require: false } ...
dashboard、component、complaint、column、clipboard、chart、bug、article、apply、AD、404 4. 友情链接 vue-element-admin文档: Element: uniapp官网: https://uniapp.d...