使用vue3 setup语法糖 禁用 Attribute 继承 拽拽 3612 发布于 2021-12-31 新手上路,请多包涵 和标题说的一样,因为我用了setup的语法糖,所以不能直接在语法糖里面用inheritAttrs,因此我参考了,官方的写法,就是再加一个普通的 但是会出现这样的报错: 目测了一下好像报错的是eslint,就不是很懂,为什么是eslint在...
// 要求组件名称始终为 “-” 链接的单词'vue/script-setup-uses-vars':'error',// 防止使用的变量<template>被标记为未使用'vue/no-mutating-props':'off',// 不允许组件 prop的改变'vue/attribute-hyphenation':'off',// 对模板中的自定义组件强制执行...
效果: 使用方法: 安装依赖:npm install tinymce@5.10.2文档:TinyMCE中文文档中文手册下载主题和汉化包在 public 文件夹新建 resource 文件夹,在 resource 文件夹下再新建 langs 文件夹和 skins 文件夹打开这…
import{createApp,nextTick}from'vue'constapp=createApp({setup(){constmessage=ref('Hello!')constchangeMessage=asyncnewMessage=>{message.value=newMessage// 这里获取DOM的value是旧值awaitnextTick()// nextTick 后获取DOM的value是更新后的值console.log('Now DOM is updated')}}}) v-if 和 v-for v...
1.First, import and register the Tooltip component in thescriptsection of thesrc/App.vuefile. If you are using theComposition API, you should add thesetupattribute to thescripttag to indicate that Vue will be using theComposition API.
{ctx.field} is too low`, max_value: `The field ${ctx.field} is too high`, excluded: `You are not allowed to use this value for the field ${ctx.field}`, country_excluded: `Due to restrctions, we do not accept users from this location`, passwords_mismatch: `The passwords don't...
To be honest I'm not completely sure, however as @holtwick pointed out with the new Vue 3 api you should return the editor instance from the view setup() function rather than as a data attribute. Its therefor not wrapped in a ref() and isn't automatically reactive. We can then offer...
The text is here, and it officially begins. computed The meaning of computed is the same as that in Vue2, computing attributes; the usage method is similar to that in Vue2, and there are two ways to use it: computed use const {reactive, readonly, computed, ref} = Vue; ...
This is because onClick is treated as a standard html attribute. In fact, users can still use onClick, but it is not allowed to add modifiers on it, if you want to add modifiers, please use: @HcySunYang maybe we should try to resolve it. If skip the check, the effect of using...
All input elements owned by HOT got an attribute "data-hot-input" which are identified by that key. #6383 NestedHeaders plugin was rewritten, from now on, only a tree-like structure will be allowed, meaning, there will be no possibility to place nested headers in-between layers. #6716 ...