Materio admin provides 60+ basic & advanced cards for eCommerce, Analytics Statistics, Charts, Maps and Interactive. Useful Pages Materio Vuejs admin template provides 30+ pages. It contains all the commonly used pages to develop any application which will ease the developer's efforts. ...
js version:vue3-admin-template-- basic version ts version:vue3-element-ts ts version for plus:vue3-element-plus ts version for electron:vue3-element-electron java Micro-service background data:micro-service-plus Build Setup # clone the projectgitclone
"Vuestic Admin is an open-source admin template based on Vue 3, Vite, Pinia, and Tailwind CSS, developed and supported by the Epicmax Team. It’s no longer just a collection of components; now, it’s packed with engaging, interactive pages designed to enhance your projects. ...
# 克隆项目gitclone 进入项目目录cdRuoYi-Vue3# 安装依赖yarn# 启动服务yarn dev 编译打包 # 构建生产环境yarn build:prod# 构建测试环境yarn build:stage# 格式化代码yarn lint 更多说明请看:文档地址 ...
What I appreciate the most about ThemeSelection's admin template is the code structure, quality, and UI design. Additionally, it is really easy to use the product as it is highly customizable and can be used for any kind of web app. Moreover, the support team is very helpful as well....
Vue Material Admin Template is a Google Material Design inspired admin dashboard template built with Vue and Vuetify.
Vue3-admin-element-template 是 Vue3-admin-element的精简版本,去掉了完整版本中丰富的组件库。项目使用的是、和新语法糖风格编写。 前言 Vue3-admin-element-template项目是js版本,相信有部分刚入门的程序员不熟悉ts编写,在github上查找了关于vue3中后台模板,大部分都是基于ts版本。所以决定自己写一个基于js版本的...
vue3-admin-template页面 vue3-admin-template 本人学习视频网址为:视频地址 源码:github 网页采用技术框架 本管理模板采用vue3开发,使用vue-router来作为路由跳转,将登录成功后产生的菜单,token放入到vuex中存储,通过axios来进行交互,来获取服务端内容,由于没有后端接口api,本管理模板将采用mock来模拟后端接口数据...
简介: Vue3-admin-template 框架修改登录页面 一. 修改views/login/comp/LoginForm.vue文件里面的内容 const state = reactive({ ruleForm: { account: 'admin', password: '123456', }, loading: false, checkedPwd: false, redirect: undefined, rules: { account: [{ required: true, message: t('...
vue3-admin-micro-template 这是什么 一款开箱即用的 Vue3 微前端项目模版,基于 Vue(3.x) & umijs/qiankun(2.4.2) 特点 微服务架构,子模块可单独开发与部署 TODO 可初步运行 子项目单独运行可加载菜单栏 集成操作 sessionStorage & localStorage & Cookies 更加简便的方法 提取Layout 为公共组件,发布成npm包 ...