用于高亮关键词的vue组件,可以用于类似于搜索的功能。 Installation npminstall--savevue-words-highlight#oryarnaddvue-words-highlight Usage Use Directive import{highlight}from'vue-words-highlight';Vue.use(highlight,{name:'highlight',className:'red',style:'color: #0f0',caseSensitive:false});// ne...
from 'vue-highlight-words' export default { name: 'app', components: { Highlighter }, data() { return { text: 'The dog is chasing the cat. Or perhaps they\'re just playing?', words: 'and or the', } }, computed: { keywords() { return this.words.split(' ') } } } Project...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vue-highlight-words. Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text
//github.com/Astray-git/vue-highlight-words.git" }, "keywords": [ "vue", "highlight" ], "author": "Yichang Liu", "license": "MIT", "homepage": "https://github.com/Astray-git/vue-highlight-words#readme", "dependencies": { "highlight-words-core": "^1.2.2" }, "...
A simple port from react-highlight-words Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text. View demoDownload Source Why? It usesrenderto handle the highlighted text instead of usingv-htmlorel.innerHtml. Usage To use it, just provide it with an array of search terms and a bo...
Astray-git esmcjs Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text Version3.0.1LicenseMIT INSTALL Version: Learn more Statistics Requests0 Bandwidth0 Top version -0 Full vue-highlight-words Download Stats Share Keywords vue
ℹ️ This is the branch for vue-highlight-words 2 (For Vue 3). If you are looking for Vue 2.0 support, please check out 1.0 branchA simple port from react-highlight-words Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text.demo...
A possible solution would be to remove line break hyphens in the middle of words when joining lines together. And to refrain from adding a white space between this line and the next line. Code to reproduce <template> <VuePDF:pdf="pdf"text-layer:highlight-text="highlightText":highlight-op...