在vue-virtual-scroll-list的子组件模板中,为需要触发点击事件的元素添加@click指令。例如,如果你希望在每个列表项上添加点击事件,可以在ItemComponent.vue中实现这一点。 vue <template> <div @click="handleItemClick"> {{ item.content }} </div> </template> <script>...
When i scroll the library with the mouse, then the scroll sometimes jumps and scrolls a larger number of rows in the list. (It jumps both scrolling up and scrolling down, at certain points in the list, even though there is nothing special about these items in the list). The problem was...
I have a button outside the virtual list When I click on this button, it will scroll to a random index in the list How do I wait for scrollToIndex from the previous click of my button to finish before I click again?
从上面的火焰图可知卡顿的click时间,渲染时间的非常的严重。 影响cascader/tree这类组件性能的主要原因: 一次性加载出所有的dom节点,导致首次加载缓慢 组件中有一个computed属性:checkedValue。这个变量触发任何一个click事件的时候,都会改变这个变量。cascader源码当中,会因为这个值的改变触发render方法,导致JS执行时间、重绘...
onClick: () => { this.scrollBehavior === 'auto' ? (this.scrollBehavior = 'smooth') : (this.scrollBehavior = 'auto') } }, ['behavior:', this.scrollBehavior] ), h( 'button', { onClick: () => { this.debounce = !this.debounce } }, ['debounce:', this.debounce ? 'true' : ...