具体步骤: 安装(直接安装最新的,如果你用的vue3的话): npm install --save vue-toastification@next main.js里引入,这里没有进行全局注册,只是在用的页面引入了一下 import 'vue-toastification/dist/index.css' 使用页面引入 import { useToast } from 'vue-toastification'const toast=useToast(); // .error...
@文心快码vue3 vue-toastification 文心快码 在Vue 3中使用vue-toastification插件,可以方便地实现即时通知和提醒功能。下面将详细介绍如何在Vue 3项目中安装、配置和使用vue-toastification,并解决可能遇到的问题。 1. 安装vue-toastification 由于vue-toastification默认支持Vue 2,所以在Vue 3项目中使用时需要安装其针对...
Using Vue 3?You should installVue Toastification v2instead. Usage Plugin registration Add it as a Vue plugin: importVuefrom"vue";importToastfrom"vue-toastification";// Import the CSS or use your own!import"vue-toastification/dist/index.css";constoptions={// You can set your default options h...
You can modify the toast close buttons in 3 ways:Hide it Use a custom component instead of the standard one Add extra classes to itHiding the close buttonTo hide it, simply set closeButton to false when calling the toast or setting up the plugin...
Please note that if you use custom transition classes you'll need to specify all 3 classes for it to work. You can, however, use Vue Toastification's default "bounce" transition to fill the gaps. Its classes are Vue-Toastification__bounce-enter-active, Vue-Toastification__bounce-leave-...
https://vue-toastification.maronato.dev/ 具体的我没自己写,不过确实是可以的 具体写法如下: 1、首先安装,然后在main.js引入 这里把弹窗里边的样式和内容写成了一个子组件,在父组件里边引用 2、子组件写法: 3、在父组件里边引入并使用 因为是使用的websocket实时推送的,所以在wensocket中写 ...
接口通常以interface来声明。一个类通过继承接口的方式,从而来继承接口的抽象方法。 如何使用接口 ...
Getting below in vue3 + vite Versions: 2.0 Error: Build failed with 18 errors: node_modules/vue-toastification/dist/index.mjs:329:9: error: No matching export in "node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js" for import "normalizeClass" node_modules/vue-toastification/dist/index.mjs:...
我正在使用Nuxt 3,并在此NPM中使用吐司:https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue3-toastify ...
Aside from dropping Vue 2 support in favor of Vue 3, not much has changed between v1.x and v2.x.Creating toaststhis.$toast is not available anymore. Use useToast to get a toast interface. The returning object is identical and has the same methods as this.$toast....