// Create a new event busconsteventBus=newVue();// Mount plugin and return an interfaceconsttoast1=createToastInterface({eventBus});// Later retrieve a copy of that interface without mounting the plugin againconsttoast2=createToastInterface(eventBus);// Note that on the second call just the...
rtl:false}); options具体设置在 另一篇文章中https://www.cnblogs.com/alannero/p/16918762.html css样式: .Vue-Toastification__toast{ padding:0 0 5px 0; } 不调css会有边框。你写的内容被包着,而且还有自带的背景色,很难看 dialog组件 <template>报警...
} /* Applied to the toast body when using regular strings as content */ .Vue-Toastification__toast-body.custom-class-1 { font-size: 30px; } /* Applied to a wrapper div when using a custom component as content */ .Vue-Toastification__toast-component-body.custom-class-2 { width: 100...
toast("my toast", { // For the actual toast, including different toast types: toastClassName: "my-custom-toast-class", // For the toast body when using strings or a custom component as content bodyClassName: ["custom-class-1", "custom-class-2"] });...
https://vue-toastification.maronato.dev/ 具体的我没自己写,不过确实是可以的 具体写法如下: 1、首先安装,然后在main.js引入 这里把弹窗里边的样式和内容写成了一个子组件,在父组件里边引用 2、子组件写法: 3、在父组件里边引入并使用 因为是使用的websocket实时推送的,所以在wensocket中写 ...
我正在使用Nuxt 3,并在此NPM中使用吐司:https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue3-toastify ...
Vuetify组件必须 Package 在VApp元素中。默认情况下,vue toastification容器附加到HTML主体(使其成为VApp...
接口通常以interface来声明。一个类通过继承接口的方式,从而来继承接口的抽象方法。 如何使用接口 ...
Vuetify组件必须 Package 在VApp元素中。默认情况下,vue toastification容器附加到HTML主体(使其成为VApp...
downgrading step by step showed the errors starting from-rc.2upwards thisVioletHydracommentedNov 29, 2021• edited Having a similar issue i think: ✘ [ERROR] No matching export in "node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js" for import "default" node_modules/vue-toastification/dist...