下面是 `vue3-resize-directive` 的用法: 1. 首先,确保你已经安装了 `vue3-resize-directive`。你可以使用 npm 或 yarn 进行安装: ```bash npm install vue3-resize-directive ``` 或者 ```bash yarn add vue3-resize-directive ``` 2. 在你的 Vue 组件中,导入 `vue3-resize-directive`: ```javasc...
npm install vue-resize-directive --save For Modules // ES6importresizefrom'vue-resize-directive'//...exportdefault{directives: { resize, }//...// ES5varresize =require('vue-resize-directive') ForInclude Just includeVueresize.jsafterResizeSensor.jsfromcss-element-queriesandlodash.jsscript. Disp...
npm install vue-resize-directive--save For Modules //ES6 importresizefrom'vue-resize-directive' //... exportdefault{ directives:{ resize, } //... //ES5 varresize=require('vue-resize-directive') ### ForInclude Just includeVueresize.jsafterResizeSensor.jsfromcss-element-queriesandlodash.jsscr...
Use this option to receive the resize callback right after the element is mounted on the DOM and visible. Installation Available through npm: npm install vue-resize-directive --save For Modules // ES6 import resize from 'vue-resize-directive' //... export default { directives: { resize...
HTML Installation Available through npm: npm install vue-resize-directive--save Js For Modules // ES6importresizefrom'vue-resize-directive'//...exportdefault{directives:{resize,}//...// ES5varresize=require('vue-resize-directive') Js
A vue directive which automatically resize font size based on element width. It makes the font-size flexible on fluid or responsive layout. Live Demo: Resize the browser viewport to see the effect in action For Vue.js 3.x see thevue3-resize-text ...
global directive inmain.jsormain.ts import{createApp}from'vue'importResizeObserverfrom'@vue-toys/resize-observer'importAppfrom'./App.vue'constapp=createApp(App)app.use(Resize)app.mount('#app') in.vuefile template <template>Hello world!</template>exportdefault{methods:{handleResize({width,height...
vue-input-autowidth A Vue.js directive that automatically resizes an input's width to fit its contents. 🚦 Looking for Vue 2 support? Check out themaster branch. See demo Installation npm install vue-input-autowidth@next --save#or...yarn add vue-input-autowidth@next ...