import'vue-organization-chart/dist/orgchart.css' exportdefault{ components:{ OrganizationChart }, data(){ return{ ds:{ 'id':'1', 'name':'Lao Lao', 'title':'general manager', 'children':[ {'id':'2','name':'Bo Miao','title':'department manager'}, ...
Unfortunately, it's long time not to see the update of jOrgChart. on the other hand, I got some interesting ideas to add, so I choose to create a new repo. Features For now, just static organization chart Installation npm install vue-organization-chart -S ...
Interactive Organization Chart For Vue Chart & Graph Vue.js Wrapper For OrgChart.js Chart & Graph Popular Components Composable Google Maps Components For Vue 3 Fullscreen Loading Indicators For Vue.js 3 Smooth Horizontal Scroller Component For Vue – Marquee Electronic Signature Component For Vue 3...
master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支1 标签0 小小羊update年前 13 次提交 提交 public 新建项目 5年前 src 新建项目 5年前 .gitignore 新建项目 5年前
First of all, thank you very much for the excellent work ofdabeng. I'm just adding my sauce to move the project to Vue3 It work's with VueJS 3 ! Installation npm install vue3-organization-chart --save Demos Since codesandbox and jsfiddle can't get vue3 to work properly. I am cur...
It's a simple and direct organization chart plugin. Anytime you want a tree-like chart, you can turn to OrgChart for vue3. - AugustinRibreau/vue3-organization-chart
It's a simple and direct organization chart plugin. Anytime you want a tree-like chart, you can turn to OrgChart. - dabeng/vue-orgchart
vueOrgChart Organization chart: A complete solution to generate and publish an orgchart without the need of a webserver and database (c) Michael Hoogkamer Here is the onlineDemo For more information see theWebsite Do you want to show your (Agile) teams instead of an orgchart? Try:Teamviewer...