Transforms Vue.js SFCs to composition api syntax. Install npm i vue2-migration-helper CLI #convert all .vue files in source directory and outputs in target directoryvue2-migration-helper --source="source"--target="target"#displays helpvue2-migration-helper --help ...
"description": "CLI tool to aid in migration from Vue 1.x to 2.0", "author": "Chris Fritz", "license": "MIT", "version": "1.1.1", "version": "1.1.2", "main": "index.js", "bin": { "vue-migration-helper": "index.js" 0 comments on commit b7233a6 Please sign in to ...
如何在Vue自定义指令中防止中文拼音输入影响数字验证? 这是一段自定义指令 只能输入数字 用在了el-input中正常来看是可以拦住的,但是由于它会把非数字替换成空串,导致我在不小心输入中文时,如:你好会在输入框依次出现 “nihao你好” 在中文出来之前 拼音已经出现在输入框了,导致原本输入的数字被替换为空 2 回答10...
"description": "CLI tool to aid in migration from Vue 1.x to 2.0", "author": "Chris Fritz", "license": "MIT", "version": "1.1.2", "version": "1.1.3", "main": "index.js", "bin": { "vue-migration-helper": "index.js" 0 comments on commit 0b0f93f Please sign in to...
CLI tool to aid in migration from Vue 1.x to 2.0. Contribute to vuejs/vue-migration-helper development by creating an account on GitHub.
I just spent an embarrassingly large amount of time trying to debug why nothing worked during my migration from 1.0.28. Turns out that the added requirement of the router.beforeEach() methods having to resolve the hook manually with a ca...
Transforms Vue.js 2.0 SFCs to Vue.js 3.0 Composition API syntax. - Pull requests · mubaidr/vue2-migration-helper