Leaflet 的中文站点为:Leaflet - 一个交互式地图 JavaScript 库 (leafletjs.cn) Vue是一个易学易用,性能出色,适用场景丰富的 Web 前端框架 Vue 的官网为:Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework | Vue.js (vuejs.org) Vue 的中文站点为:Vue.js - 渐进式 JavaScript 框架 | Vue.js (vuejs.org) ...
vue+leaflet示例:结合geoserver实现地图属性查询 搜索 </template> import { onMounted, reactive, ref } from "vue"; import L from "leaflet"; import "proj4"; import "proj4leaflet"; import config from "../config"; import { useRouter } from "vue-router"; const...
<template> vue+leaflet示例:地图分屏对比展示 </template> import { onMounted, reactive, ref } from "vue"; import L from "leaflet"; import config from "../config"; import { useRouter } from "vue-router"; import handPointerImg from "@/assets/hand_pointer.png"; const router = use...
<!--引入这个,不然会报错--> .vue文件 方法已经写好了,然后自己在vue的mounted方法内加载地图,在methods中调用方法即可 importleafletfrom'_leaflet@1.4.0@leaflet' importLeafletDrawfrom'_leaflet-draw@1.0.4@leaflet-draw' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2...
npm i -D @vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet leaflet Usage Until the complete documentation is ready, please check thecomponent playgroundexamples or thedemo projectfor usage with Vue 3. Most component props mimic the vanillaLeaflet optionsas closely as possible, and generally remain the same as in theirVue...
第一步:安装leaflet 命令:npm install leaflet 第二步:引用 import L from 'leaflet' 第三步:安装leaflet-velocity npm install leaflet-velocity 第四步:引用 import 'leaflet-velocity/dist/leaflet-velocity.css' import 'leaflet-velocity/dist/leaflet-velocity' ...
使用mapv实现该效果相对来说比较简单,首先是创建数据集,然后设置样式配制option,然后直接调用mapv分装好的 leafletMapLayer 即可 图上效果是两个图层叠加后的结果,一个是轨迹线图层,一个是运动轨迹图层 // 轨迹线 optionletoption={strokeStyle:"rgba(53,57,255,0.5)",shadowColor:"rgba(53,57,255,0.2)",shadow...
import*asLfrom'leaflet'import'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'// 引入Leaflet对象 挂载到Vue上,便于全局使用,也可单独引用Vue.L=Vue.prototype.$L=L 3、初始化地图 <template></template>export default { data () { return { map: null } }, mounted () { this.initDate() }, methods: { initDate () ...
import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" import { LMap, LGeoJson } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet"; export default { components: { LMap, LGeoJson, }, data() { return { geojson: { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [ // ... ], }, geojsonOptions: { // Options that don't rely on...
本文介绍了Web端使用Leaflet开发库进行克里金插值的三种方法 (底图来源:天地图),分别结合了kriging、kriging-contour组件库实现克里金插值功能,效果如下图所示。 开发环境 Vue开发库:3.2.37 &Leaflet开发库:1.9.3 Leaflet主要插件:turf、kriging、kriging-contour ...