vue3-jstreevue3 是一个针对 Vue 3 的树形文件库,用于在 Web 应用程序中展示和操作树形结构的文件。它提供了一种简单、灵活和易于使用的方式来构建具有文件管理功能的界面。该库利用了 Vue 3 的响应式系统以及强大的组件化能力,使开发者能够轻松地创建树形文件视图。通过使用 vue3-jstreevue3,开发者可以实现...
vuetreeselect 平铺 vue elementui 拖拽 数据 vue3 中 VueTreeselect下载 在vue中引入zTree,和引入其他组件类似,首先在main.js里将以下3个js引入: import "./js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js";import "../plugins/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.core.min.js";import "../plugins/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.excheck.min....
1. 在index文件中引入CDN(style.min.css/jquery.min.js/jstree.min.js) 2. 创建一个jstree.html文件来设置一个容器。 3. 创建一个json文件,代码格式如下: 4. 创建一个jstree.js文件,Ajax引入刚刚写好的json文件,代码如下: 5. 在root.js文件内引入刚刚做好的jstree.js的vue组件。 6. 用components加载...
<v-jstree :data="data"> <template scope="_"> {{_.model.text}} </template> </v-jstree> **scope** be replaced in the **vue@2.5.0+** , over **vue@2.5.0+** use **slot-scope** License Licensed under
UNPKG vue-jstree/src/tree.vue Version: 13.3 kBPlain TextView Raw 1<template> 2 3 4<tree-itemv-for="(child, index) in data" 5:key="index" 6:data="child" 7:text-field-name="textFieldName" 8:value-field-name="valueFieldName
<v-jstree :data="data"> <template scope="_"> {{_.model.text}} </template> </v-jstree> scopebe replaced in thevue@2.5.0+, overvue@2.5.0+useslot-scope License Licensed under theMIT license. Thanks Forjstree's UI Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Langu...
A Tree Plugin For Vue2.0+. Contribute to zdy1988/vue-jstree development by creating an account on GitHub.
"integrity": "sha1-3wEKoSh+Fku9pvlyOwqWoexBh6E=", "dev": true }, "array-flatten": { "version": "2.1.1", "resolved": "", "integrity": "sha1-Qmu52oQJDBg42BLIFQryCoMx4pY=", "dev": true }, ...
a tree plugin for vue2. Latest version: 1.1.7, last published: 3 years ago. Start using zrk-vue-jstree in your project by running `npm i zrk-vue-jstree`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using zrk-vue-jstree.
Hi Zhu, It appears that if I take the same example as in the documentation, I'm not able to addChild on a node. Node editing and deletion works fine but I'm afraid I don't get addChild to work properly, the exact error message is "Uncaug...