一、安装vue-json-excel npm install vue-json-excel -S 二、main.js里面引入并注册使用 import JsonExcel from 'vue-json-excel'Vue.component('downloadExcel', JsonExcel)三、页面中使用 <download-excel class = "export-excel-wrapper" :data = "json_data...
}//导出Excelfunction Workbook() {if(!(thisinstanceof Workbook))returnnewWorkbook()this.SheetNames =[]this.Sheets ={} } function s2ab(s) {constbuf =newArrayBuffer(s.length)constview =newUint8Array(buf)for(let i =0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) &0xFFreturnbuf ...
type string mime type [xls, csv], default: xls name string filename to export, deault: data.xls title string/Array Title(s) for the data, could be a string or an array of strings (multiple titles) footer string/Array Footer(s) for the data, could be a string or an array of ...
ws[cell_ref]=cell; } }if(range.s.c < sheet_c) ws['!ref'] =XLSX.utils.encode_range(range);returnws; }functionWorkbook() {if(!(thisinstanceofWorkbook))returnnewWorkbook();this.SheetNames =[];this.Sheets ={}; }functions2ab(s) {varbuf =newArrayBuffer(s.length);varview =newUint8...
vue Element Ui 通过 el-upload 来读取表格⽂件,借助 XLSX(安装: npm i XLSX -S) 来实现读取到的表格转为 JSON 数据格式,然 后展⽰在 el-table 中。 <template> <div> <!-- 按钮 --> <el-upload class="upload" action="" :multiple="false" :show-file-list="false" accept="csv, applicat...
for (let C = range.s.c; C <= range.e.c; ++C) { const col = utils.encode_col(C); if (formats[col]) { for (let R = range.s.r + 1; R <= range.e.r; ++R) { // +1 to skip the header row const cell = ws[`${col}${R + 1}`]; if (cell) { cell.z = forma...
一、安装依赖(前面基本一样) npm install file-saver --save npm install xlsx --save npm install script-loader --save-dev 二、下载两个所需要的js文件Blob.js和 Export2Excel.js。 这里贴下
npm install xlsx -s npm install file-saver -s 在本地封装导出方法,支持//文件名:Export2MultipleSheetExcel//支持导出多个或者单个sheet import { saveAs } from "file-saver"; import* as XLSX from "xlsx";functiongenerateArray(table) {varout =[];varrows = table.querySelectorAll("tr");varran...