npm install --save vue-editor-js#or Yarnyarn add vue-editor-js Usage // In main.js// ...importEditorfrom'vue-editor-js'Vue.use(Editor)// ... // on Nuxt.js// in nuxt.config.jsplugins:[{src:'~/plugins/vue-editor.js',ssr:false}],// in ~/plugins/vue-editor.jsimportVuefrom'...
vue-editor-js vue-editor-js is editorjs wrapper component. Please review this first. For before 2.0.0 version users. This plugins is a wrapper component for editorjs. If you need to use the plugin for editor.js then import it and set the config property. ...
Editor for Vue2.0 , Base on wangEditor v2.x notice I don't suggest you use wangeditor v3.0 in your production now because it's not very stable, such as the user interface, the upload image and so on. choose wangeditor v2.0 first, if you do not want to trouble how to use template...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支10 标签82 David Royerchore(release): 2.10.33b1ead94年前 ...
Vue.js, Angular, and React wrappers In order to equip developers with the right tool for web app creation, we provide special wrappers for our rich text editor based on the most popular frameworks. Besides Vue.js WYSIWYG editor, there is support for Angular and React. ...
vue-node-editor 说明 地址 vue-node-editor 基于Vue.js的可视化节点编辑器组件 说明 原始描述文件请见 README 本项目已使用更先进的 Vue.js 3.x + TypeScript 重构,当前代码仓仅做归档,以后不再更新。 新的项目请见:NodeEditor3-vue 地址 Github: Gitee...
name:'STEditor', props: { value: { type:String } }, methods: { initEditor(){ consteditor=newE(this.$refs.editor) editor.config.onchange=(newHtml)=>{ console.log('改变数据:',newHtml) this.$emit('input',newHtml) } editor.create() ...
Vue,没有用Nuxt框架,那么你可以看mavon-editor官方文档,有详细说明,其实它们只有在引入mavon-editor方式有细微差别,使用都是一样的。mavonEditor官方地址 一、Nuxt引入mavon-editor插件 1、安装 通过命令安装插件 npm install mavon-editor--save 2、在plugins中创建vueMarkdown.js ...
源码地址: 方案一: Monaco-editor 简介:微软的开源项目,开源中国上面的在线代码编辑器也是用的这个(我就是顺着藤爬到Monaco editor的) 有‘在线 VS code’ 美称 官网: ...
Ace Editor Of Vue.. Latest version: 1.0.0, last published: 6 years ago. Start using vue-editor-ace in your project by running `npm i vue-editor-ace`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using vue-editor-ace.