第五步,配置Echarts选项:根据筛选条件和数据,配置Echarts的选项,例如设置图表类型、坐标轴、数据系列等。 第六步,更新数据:根据筛选条件的变化,更新数据,并调用this.chart.setOption(options)来更新Echarts图表。 最后,通过Vue的模板语法,在组件中使用来渲染Echarts图表。 2. 如何实现在Vue中使用Echarts进行动态数据...
function updateOptions() { if (!Array.isArray(dataSetoption.value.dataset)) { if (Array.isArray(dataSetoption.value.dataset?.source)) { (dataSetoption.value.dataset.source as (string | number)[][]).push([ "Walnut Brownie2", 82.4, 73.9, 39.1, ]); } } if (Array.isArray(dataSetoption...
<v-chart :options="chartOptions"></v-chart> </template> 在上述代码中,chartOptions是一个包含了图表配置选项的对象,可以在该对象中设置图表的样式、数据等内容。 3. 如何配置Vue Echarts的图表选项? Vue Echarts的图表选项是一个包含了各种配置项的对象,通过设置这些配置项,可以实现图表的样式、数据和交互...
💡 Whenupdate-optionsis not specified,notMerge: falsewill be specified by default when thesetOptionmethod is called if theoptionobject is modified directly and the reference remains unchanged; otherwise, if a new reference is bound tooption,notMerge: truewill be specified. update-options: object O...
Vue-ECharts 为theme、init-options、update-options和loading-options提供了 provide/inject API,以通过上下文配置选项。例如:可以通过如下方式来使用 provide API 为init-options提供上下文配置: Vue 3 import{ THEME_KEY }from'vue-echarts'import{ provide }from'vue'// 组合式 APIprovide(THEME_KEY,'dark')/...
💡 When update-options is not specified, notMerge: false will be specified by default when the setOption method is called if the option object is modified directly and the reference remains unchanged; otherwise, if a new reference is bound to option, notMerge: true will be specified. update-...
Vue-ECharts provides provide/inject API fortheme,init-options,update-optionsandloading-optionsto help configuring contextual options. eg. forinit-optionsyou can use the provide API like this: Vue 3 import{THEME_KEY}from'vue-echarts'import{provide}from'vue'// composition APIprovide(THEME_KEY,'da...
update webpack dev env 8年前 package-lock.json 2.6.0 7年前 package.json 2.6.0 7年前 publish.sh fix #127 7年前 rollup.config.js fix missing styles for prebuilt version 8年前 README MIT Vue-ECharts ECharts 的 Vue.js 组件。
initOptions & theme Used to initialize ECharts instance. options [reactive] Used to update data for ECharts instance. Modifying this property will trigger ECharts' setOptions method. group [reactive] This property is automatically bound to the same property of the ECharts instance....
editorOptions(val) { let series =this.getSeries(val);varoptions = { tooltip: {// formatter: (e) => {// console.log(e);// return e.name + e.data.value;// },}, animationDuration:1500, animationEasingUpdate:"quinticInOut",