npm install vue-document-editor In your Vue.js 2.x project: npm install vue-document-editor@1 💬 If you prefer static files, import assets from thedistfolder Basic example MyComponent.vue <template> <vue-document-editorv-model:content="content"/><!--Vue 3 syntax--><!--<vue-document...
npm install vue-document-editor In your Vue.js 2.x project: npm install vue-document-editor@1 💬 If you prefer static files, import assets from thedistfolder Basic example MyComponent.vue <template> <vue-document-editorv-model:content="content"/><!--Vue 3 syntax--><!--<vue-document...
Composition API (~/src/App.vue) Options API (~/src/App.vue) <template> Open dialog <ejs-documenteditor ref="documenteditor" :enableSelection='true' :isReadOnly='false' :enableEditor='true' :enableTableDialog='true' :enableSfdtExport='true' style="width: 100%;" height="370px"><...
Learn here all about Styles in Syncfusion Vue Document editor component of Syncfusion Essential JS 2 and more.
npm install @syncfusion/ej2-vue-documenteditor --save Registering Word Processor component You can register the Word Processor (Document editor) component in your application by using theVue.use(). Refer to the code example given below.
:page_facing_up: Paper-sized WYSIWYG document editor for Vue apps - vue-document-editor/src/Demo/InvoiceTemplate.ce.vue at master · motla/vue-document-editor
The Vue Word Processor (Document Editor) provides a new native file format called Syncfusion Document Text (*.sfdt). It helps maintain document import and export purely on the client-side. Microsoft Word Compatible Provides a .NET library that helps convert Word documents (DOCX, WordML, DOC, ...
当您运行命令 npm install --save @onlyoffice/document-editor-vue 时,您正在尝试将一个名为 @onlyoffice/document-editor-vue 的npm 包安装到您的项目中,并将其作为项目的依赖项保存。以下是对该命令执行步骤的详细解释: 打开终端或命令提示符: 这是执行 npm 命令的必要步骤。您需要在计算机上打开终端(在 macOS...
The Vue Word Processor (Document Editor) provides a new native file format called Syncfusion Document Text (*.sfdt). It helps maintain document import and export purely on the client-side. Microsoft Word Compatible Provides a .NET library that helps convert Word documents (DOCX, WordML, DOC, ...
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