return !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) }, formatNumber (num) { num = num.toFixed(this.decimals) num += '' const x = num.split('.') let x1 = x[0] const x2 = x.length > 1 ? this.decimal + x[1] : '' const rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/ if (this.separator && !this.isNumber(thi...
vue3使用vue-count-to组件的实现 vue3使⽤vue-count-to组件的实现 项⽬场景:数据可视化⼤屏开发的过程中,需要实现⼀种滚动数字的效果,在使⽤vue2时,使⽤vue-count-to完全没有问题,功能也⽐较完善(滚动时长,开始值,结束值,前缀,后缀,千分隔符,⼩数分隔符等等),但是在vue3中使⽤会...
if (Number.isNaN(newVal)) { console.warn('Invalid number provided, defaulting to0.') newVal = 0 } await nextTick() source.value = newVal }, { immediate: true } ) 项目地址 本项目GIT地址: 如果有帮助,给个star ✨ 点个赞...
return !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) } // 格式化数据,返回想要展示的数据格式 const formatNumber = (val) => { val = val.toFixed(props.start) val += '' const x = val.split('.') let x1 = x[0] const x2 = x.length > 1 ? props.decimal + x[1] : '' ...
vue-countTo.vue .babelrc .eslintignore .eslintrc.js .gitignore countDemo.gif package.json webpack.config.js Breadcrumbs vue-countTo /src / Latest commit uncleLian and PanJiaChen update Dec 8, 2017 f446860·Dec 8, 2017
NaN Days, NaN Hours, NaN Minutes, NaN Seconds is now printing out, but only one the first job. Progress! So, if the dateTime is in a different format like the first code block, what are your thoughts in using moment.js? Should the String data type change? 0 ...
=> {return !isNaN(parseFloat(val))}// 格式化数据,返回想要展示的数据格式constformatNumber = (val) => {val = val.toFixed(props.default)val += ''constx = val.split('.')let x1 = x[0]constx2 = x.length >1? props.decimal + x[1] : ''constrgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/if (props...