importTextareaAutosizefrom'vue-textarea-autosize' Vue.use(TextareaAutosize) Usage In components <textarea-autosize placeholder="Type something here..." ref="myTextarea" v-model="value" :min-height="30" :max-height="350" @blur.native="onBlurTextarea" ...
This component is deprecated, since it's simple enough to useautosizedirectly, see details:#1 vue-autosize-textarea Vue.js port ofAutosize Usage with Webpack Template: <divid="app"><autosize-textarearesized="onResized"value="default value"></autosize-textarea></div> ...
Vue component provides textarea with automatically adjustable height and without any wrappers and dependencies - devstark-com/vue-textarea-autosize
接下来我就想能不能用笨办法先把问题解决,项目继续往下进行,我首先想到的是既然改变内容能把问题解决,那把对应的元素触发一遍 change 或者 input 事件之类...
Vue component provides textarea with automatically adjustable height and without any wrappers and dependencies - devstark-com/vue-textarea-autosize
Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3 - fix(useTextareaAutosize): onResize callback fires not only on resize …· vueuse/vueuse@a6ede83
Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3 - fix(useTextareaAutosize): improve `triggerResize` triggering (#4074) · vueuse/vueuse@06c6f37