npm install --save vue-async-computed And then installvue-async-computedviaapp.use()to make it available for all your components: import{createApp}from'vue'importAppfrom'./App.vue'importAsyncComputedfrom'vue-async-computed'constapp=createApp(App)app.use(AsyncComputed)app.mount('#app') ...
1.介绍:vue里普通的计算属性computed只能计算一些同步的值,但是如果碰到需要在计算属性中发送一些异步的网络请求,需要用到vue-async-computed异步计算属性的插件 //安装插件npm install vue-async-computed --save//引入注册使用import AsyncComputed from'vue-async-computed'Vue.use(AsyncComputed)//在组件中使用//hom...
vue-async-computed With this plugin, you can have computed properties in Vue that are computed asynchronously. Without using this plugin, you can't do this: exportdefault{ data () {return{userId:1} },computed: { username () {returnfetch(`/get-username-by-id/${this.userId}`)// This...
vue-async-computed With this plugin, you can have computed properties in Vue that are computed asynchronously. Without using this plugin, you can't do this: exportdefault{data(){return{userId:1}},computed:{username(){returnfetch(`/get-username-by-id/${this.userId}`)// This assumes that...
vue-async-computed 1.介绍:vue里普通的计算属性computed只能计算一些同步的值,但是如果碰到需要在计算属性中发送一些异步的网络请求,需要用到vueasync-computed异步计算属性的插件 // 安装插件 npm install vue-async-computed --save // 引入注册使用 import AsyncComputed from 'vue-async-computed' Vue.use(Async...
vue-async-computed With this plugin, you can have computed properties in Vue that are computed asynchronously. Without using this plugin, you can't do this: newVue({data: {userId:1},computed: { username () {// Using vue-resourcereturnVue.http.get('/get-username-by-id/'+this.userId)...
vue中computed属性值的计算函数只能是同步的,于是有了vue-async-computed 这个插件。其实我觉得这个插件非常有用,相比较之下这个项目的star就比较少了。 处于练习的目的(我不想三十岁就上天台),我试着实现这个这个插件的功能。有这么几个问题需要解决: 1。如何获取开发者定义的asyncComputed? 使用$options属性。之前我...
改进方案:可以使用 Vue 3 的 watch API 来监听某个数据的变化,并在数据变化时自动调用异步函数。此外,还可以考虑使用第三方库如 vue-async-computed 来实现异步计算属性,但需要注意这些库可能不支持 Vue 3 的最新特性。 相关资源 Vue 3 官方文档:提供了 Vue 3 的详细文档,包括 Composition API 的使用方法和示例...
Vue.js extended computed composable with async, initial state & manual refresh support this library aims to provide better code integration by providing a single function that eliminate the need to create and call a fetch function, creating a sperate loading & data objects manually handling the fe...
Have you triedvue-async-computed? It is incredibly awesome, because it allowsasynchronous computed properties.Among other things, this makes it incredibly easy to source your Vue data from AJAX calls. I will try to convince you that this feature is SO good, that it is worthy of including in...