理解并解释错误信息"[plugin:vite] whitespace was expected.": 这条错误信息表明在使用Vite构建Vue项目时,Vite的Vue插件期望在某个位置找到空格,但实际上并没有找到。这通常是由于Vue文件中的语法错误,尤其是与模板语法、指令或组件标签的书写方式有关。 检查Vue文件中的语法错误,特别是与空格相关的部分: 在Vue...
15 Whitespace was expected. 16 Unexpected '<!--' in comment. 17 Attribute name cannot contain U+0022 ("), U+0027 ('), and U+003C (<). 18 Unquoted attribute value cannot contain U+0022 ("), U+0027 ('), U+003C (<), U+003D (=), and U+0060 (`). 19 Attribute name cann...
https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/vue3-transition-group-with-whitespace-preserve-chg4p8?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js Steps to reproduce open devtools console click 'toggle' button (optional tbh) What is expected? No whitespace node when markdown tags with newlines What is actually happening? Console sp...
每个Vue 组件实例在创建时都需要经历一系列的初始化步骤,比如设置好数据侦听,编译模板,挂载实例到 DOM,以及在数据改变时更新 DOM。在 Vue 实例生命周期的不同阶段被调用的函数, 被称为生命周期钩子。这些生命周期钩子允许你执行特定的逻辑,比如在组件创建之前、创建之后、更新之前、更新之后、销毁之前等。 如图所示: ...
Version 2.6.10 Reproduction link https://jsfiddle.net/kfirba2/us5h04f7/5/ Steps to reproduce Have a wrapper for Vue Inside that wrapper, insert an inline element such as and leave trailing whitespace at the end of it:
Fixed an issue where the trimWhitespace option could not be used in the column and cell levels of the cascading configuration. #7387 Fixed the flickering of the selection area at the edge of the table while scrolling. #8317 Fixed misalignment on mobile devices when the edge cells were selected...
vue3的js中给响应式数据赋值没加.value出现的问题 百度翻译了一下:TypeError:对常量变量的赋值。看了之后发现是定义了一个响应式的数据,在js中没有用.value赋值,直接变量名赋值导致的错误。
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